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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Official Integration for Billingo] Hibás adókulcs – Site error@zsebacsi problémája van jelent nálunk is.
Minden felülírás kikapcsolva, a vat_id változó értéke mégis 1825, ami a Billingo rendszerében az els? listázott áFA kulcs, mint az alábbi képen is látható:
A Billingo-ban a Számla beállítások menüpontban 27% van megjel?lve, aminek az id-je 1.
Ha a class.billingo.php-ban a getBillingoVatId függvény ellen?rzései végén visszaírom a vat_id változóba, hogy 1, akkor jó lesz az eredmény.
Solved with rewriting templates and JS, but if you have any tip, I’m still interested.
The function wc_cart_totals_order_total_html() kills everything.
If I create a custom theme for cart totals, and I comment it out, AJAX request is working.
Checked StoreFront preview. It does an AJAX request:
My theme does not, however everything worked before the latest upgrade.
No JS error in the console, no related errors in the system report. (Thanks for the tip, Stef. My timezone settings are not ok, but I’m pretty sure it not causing a problem like this.)
Found some extra info which maybe helps:
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-template-functions.php on line 2666
This is corrected, unfortunalety was not related to the original problem.
(Forgot to mark as solved…)
Thanks for your answer.
Godaddy didn’t change the TZ however it was set up in .htaccess and in php.ini as well. Interesting, but I put a line into the functions.php, and it works now.
I’ll think about the add-on, thanks for your tip!
Kind regards,