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  • erikmarcus


    Tim: I’m so glad I saw your post, and that you were gracious enough to follow it up with a solution. I don’t know how I’d have resolved my problem without seeing your posts.

    I installed wp-super-cache, having previously set my permalinks to “day and name”. After properly configuring the plugin and modifying the htaccess files, I found that attempting to visit any page on my site except the front page generated a 404 error.

    So I switched my permalink structure to default and then back to “day and name,” and the problem resolved.

    Could it be that wp-super-cache, once installed, will always generate 404s on any site with non-default permalinks, until this back and fourth permalinks reset trick is performed? If so, this seems like something that should be documented, if a bug fix can’t be made.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: WP Posts vs. Pages

    >I’m writing a couple of articles, and they’re all ‘timeless’ – so it doesn’t really fit the
    >definition of a ‘dated blog post’.

    I think you’ve answered your own question. I create “pages” for my occasional “timeless” articles, which tend to be long, and blog “posts” for my short day-to-day stuff.

    It’s really the quality of content, more than anything, that determines your search engine ranking. The pages I’ve created have done reasonably well in this respect.

    Thread Starter erikmarcus


    Hi Mikey,

    You didn’t say what the plugin is!


    I’m thinking it’s probably your theme. Some themes I’ve seen default to crediting the author beneath the post’s title, which is the behavior you want. It’s not the behavior I want, and I remember commenting this out from the theme I’m using.

    Now, are you saying that the author is credited when you click through an entry and see a single blog post on a page? If that’s the case, you should go into “Theme Editor” under Design and then click “Single Post” to see the PHP responsible for crediting the author. You’ll copy that code and paste it into the appropriate spot of your “Main Index Template.”

    I’m still pretty new to WordPress so with any luck somebody will correct me if this advice is mistaken or incomplete.

    HumanRightsMom, are you by any chance still using 2.5? I’ve been having huge problems with disappearing text in my widgets under 2.5, and this matter has been heavily discussed here:

    It says a fix was scheduled for 2.5.1, which has been out a couple weeks but which I still haven’t bothered to install. But now that I’ve once again just lost more than an hour to disappearing widget text, I’m going to take the plunge.

    Thread Starter erikmarcus


    I figured out something workable. But before getting to that, let me tell you the two proposed solutions I rejected, and why they don’t work for my needs.

    1) I wasn’t open to considering the Flash Titles plugin, since I want to keep my site lean, quick loading, and maximally compatible.

    2) I also couldn’t consider changing the template files as suggested in the previous post, because most of my pages will always be headed by text rather than graphics.

    It’s clear that there’s currently no easy way to insert graphics code in the title bar thanks to WordPress’ method of parsing the title box to create a permalink. As we’ve seen on this thread, the only way to insert graphics into the title bar is to resort to complicated template modifications or felony-level coding violations like the one I was committing by deliberately not closing my tag.

    So I got to thinking, why not just erase the contents of the Title box, and embed the graphics code at the top of the Page field instead? It works almost perfectly. The date floats to the top, which isn’t optimal, but it’s not a dealbreaker. Apart from that, everything’s perfect. I’ve got clean, simple code. And if and when WordPress supports entering graphics into the Title box, I can always easily come back and move it up there. Here’s how my page looks in case anyone’s interested:

    The only requirement for this approach is that you either initially create your page with the desired title in the title bar (to create a permalink), and then delete the title later. Or I suppose you could just enter the desired permalink title the first time you save the page.

    I’m going to mark this thread as resolved. I’m also going to look into making a feature request that future versions of WordPress support embedding graphics code into titles. Thanks to everyone who chipped to help me with this issue. I could not have figured this out on my own.

    Thread Starter erikmarcus


    JB, that’s extremely kind of you. I’m fairly new to WordPress and I thought long and hard about ways to resolve this based on the advice I received.

    My sense is that even if you can figure out a way for me to accomplish this under 2.5, it would make be a welcome new feature if future versions of WordPress could handle what I’m doing without any hoop-jumping.

    I’ll be checking back and hoping you or someone else can come up with a solution. Again, thanks very much!

    Thread Starter erikmarcus


    I’ve been trying to think through jberhem’s piece of advice regarding changing the permalink and I’m coming up empty. As I mentioned in the previous post, providing the unclosed img src code above allows the artwork to properly display in place of a text headline, without the unwanted “> symbols appearing. But I have the sense that this is some sort of terrible kludge and I’m probably doing something that will crash browsers or screw my site up in the future.

    In any case, the permalink had previously been set properly because I initially created this page with a regular text title. This is the permalink in case anyone’s interested:

    I guess in the future, when I want to create a headline graphic in place of a text headline, I could always do what I did this time around: first create the page using a text headline, and then swap in an unclosed img src statement as shown in my previous post.

    In any case, I don’t understand how I would implement jberghem’s solution: “simple, change your permalink.”

    I see that I can change a permalink to whatever I’d like by clicking the permalink feature below a page’s title window. But I don’t know what I’d change this to to resolve the problem I described in the very first post of this thread. If somebody knows, can you tell me, and also tell me if it’s a more XHTML compliant solution than the unclosed img src statement I’m currently using.

    Thread Starter erikmarcus


    Wow, OK, jberghem’s advice nailed it. And thanks for explaining what’s going on. Here’s the code I switched to, complete with a missing >

    <img src=”; alt=”Top 10 Recipes, 2008″

    jberghem, did you have something different in mind, where the permalink is specifically set? My grasp of this is so weak that unless you show me the actual code your explanation is likely to go over my head.

    Thread Starter erikmarcus


    It just occurs to me, based on what mylife just wrote, that perhaps what’s happening is the editor’s converting my straight quotes to curly quotes.

    Does anyone know the easiest way to turn off this “feature” within a given page?

    I’m now thinking we’ve found the problem.

    Thread Starter erikmarcus


    I obviously messed up the code I gave in my initial post. But I don’t think this was causing the problem of the unwanted “> hovering above my image.

    I think garbanzo and haochi may have thought I was using the_title or the_title_attribute tags. I wasn’t. I had merely put the code from my first example inside the “title” field of WordPress’ “Write Page” screen.

    Now, I’ve put the following corrected code in that field:

    <img src=”; /> <alt=”Top 10 Recipes, 2008″ />

    But still, the “> text appears above my image. Here again is the offending page:

    Any idea what code I could put into the title field to make “> go away?

    I’m a novice at this and could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure you’ll want to enter the Theme Editor and modify Main Index Template and also Single Post. The latter is for when only a single post is displayed. You would obviously want to introduce the same formatting you’re doing for your Main Index Template.

    You oughta give the URL of your website. I think what you’re talking about is coded into the stylesheet of certain themes, such as classic/kubrick. Changing themes might give you different behavior. I’m a beginner so I can’t comment on how to modify the CSS, but I think that’s what you’ll need to do to replace >> with spaces.

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