8 months ago
Thanks a lot. But when I lokk it up I see that it has not been updated for last 3 versioner if WP. So maybe I should look for another galleri plug in.
1 year ago
my screen contains no imagesscreen dump
4 years, 10 months ago
Thank you for your explanation. Sorry for my ignorance. In fact I did not realize that if they were first blocked that the attackers “bothers” to continue the same way.
So I will comfortably lean back in trust that Wordfence will do its job ??
15 years ago
I did try the steps you describe with Filezilla. But it didn’t solve the problem.
Actually it was a “permission matter” !
I had to change the the “Plesk IIS user”s permission to ALL. Now it works.
Thanks anyhow!
Success after re-uploading the wp-includes directory and subdirectories !
Thanks a lot.
It’s on a virtual windows server, plesk 8.2.0 php 5.2.3 mysql 4.1.22