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  • Thread Starter erikas_boy


    Yeah. Well, the automatic update nuked the files on it’s own. Everything else was just triage. The good news is, Nivo Slider is easy to implement, without even using their for-pay plug-in.

    That the WOWslider plugin stores the image files in its own directory seems to be flirting with disaster. Anything goes wrong with the plugin (as above), and the files are gone….

    Thread Starter erikas_boy


    Well, the files were most definitely there, because I downloaded wowslider/api.php before posting here to see if I could see anything out of wack. But no matter, I deleted them, and manually uploaded (rather than using the plugin installation), and still nothing. The old slideshow is still gone. Wowslider is there, but the only slide show is the default images, that is made when the plugin is uploaded. Other than that, nothing.

    Thread Starter erikas_boy


    SOLVED! In the second loop, I needed to append the line:

    while( $query2->have_posts() )


    : $query2->the_post(); {

    then add




    Final (working) code looks like this:

    // Page Layout for Perfect Pint
    // Most Recent Episode
    function perfectPintPageTop() {
    //The Query
    $args = array(
    	'post_type' => 'post',
    	'tax_query' => array(
    			'taxonomy' => 'show',
    			'field' => 'slug',
    			'terms' => 'perfect-pint'
    $query = new WP_Query( 'posts_per_page=1', $args );
    // The Loop
    if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
    	while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
    		echo '<li><h2><a href="'.get_permalink().'">' . get_the_title() . '</a></h2></li>';
    		?><div class="entry"><?php the_content(); ?></div> <?php
    } else {
    	// no posts found
    /* Restore original Post Data */
    // Next Four Episodes
    function perfectPintPage4() {
    	?><div id="episodes"><ul><?php
    //The Query
    $args2 = array(
    	'post_type' => 'post',
    	'tax_query' => array(
    			'taxonomy' => 'show',
    			'field' => 'slug',
    			'terms' => 'perfect-pint'
    $query2 = new WP_Query( array( 'posts_per_page' => 4, 'offset' => 1 ),$args2 );
    // The 2nd Loop
    while( $query2->have_posts() ) : $query2->the_post(); {
    	echo '<li><h2><a href="'.get_permalink( $query2->post->ID ).'">' . get_the_title( $query2->post->ID ) . '</a></h2></li><div class="entry">' . get_the_content( $query2->post->ID ) . '</div>';
    // Restore original Post Data

    Thanks Juri. I actually use your second recommendation on a lot of sites, but I took over managing a site running this plugin. If there’s no word from the Devs at by days-end, I’ll be having to switch.

    jackbloom, that’s the one. I suspect it might be a failover, if the plugin doesn’t get a response from twitter, it hides itself, but that’s just a guess.

    I’m not sure what you’re experiencing, but as of this morning something changed and it doesn’t work for me either. In my case, the script is adding a .css definition to the head of every page changing the display attribute to “none” making it’s entire div disappear. I have no idea why or how to get it to stop. But it’s annoying, as it’s one of the best twitter plug-ins I’ve found, particularly as I don’t want to run Jetpack on this site.
    Any suggestions from other users/creators?

    Thread Starter erikas_boy


    Perfect, thanks a million!

    Copy & geek
    I think the discussion pane is hidden by default in the more recent WP releases. That means you need to toggle the screen options tab at the top right, and select the discussion check-box, then you will have the option to allow/disallow comments on the page, and also block track-backs to that page (which for a contact page makes sense to help protect against track-back spam).

    I agree, it seems pretty unlikely he nuked his DB from the back-end. Maybe deleted all his posts or pages, but I don’t think WP would let you delete DB tables. Regardless of the outcome, it’s a good time to tell him to install backWPup, and set it to email him a DB back-up to a gmail account everyday. And he might as well do a file system dump to a free drop-box account while he is in there. It’s not the most intuitive interface, but it’s hard to beat the functionality.

    you can use .htaccess 301s at to redirect to the equivalents, but you’ll need to keep active for a while.

    Sorry, I don’t see a “Leave a Reply” link. There is a title that says it, but it’s not a link. Also, I was able to post a comment (a reply). Still haven’t come across anything that redirects me to the front page.

    Seems to be working for me. I can click into your merry christmas and hello world blog posts, get linked directly to your comments, and leave via your outbound links. Did you change anything?

    Can you post a link to your site?

    Are you using Firebug? It will tell you every .css rule that applies to a given element. Including ones that are cancelled out by other ones.

    Looks centred to on my end. There are still scroll bars, but that is because you’ve padded the body horizontally 2 ems, and that pushes it’s total width over 960px (and I’m looking on my little macbook, not my wide desktop). You shouldn’t need to pad the body, rather use margins or padding for child divs (#page in this case, so padding). When you do this, you will need to subtract the padding you add from the total width of the div you want, so it will probably be easier to pad in pixels rather than ems.
    Does this make sense? It’s late here and I just finished watching a film, I’m a bit bleary-eyed.

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