Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Another way of installing WordPress?I wanted to get back to you. It was the host’s fault and they fixed the problem, whatever that was.
Thank you for your help.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Another way of installing WordPress?I sent them your reply. I hope to hear back from them soon. It doesn’t make any sense to me either.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: New WP installationI thought I’d post this to clarify things. It was not my fault. The fault was with my host. I sent them the error message and they fixed it. They just didn’t tell me what they did, I’m sorry to say.
Thanks for trying so hard to help me. I will mark this as
resolved.Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: New WP installationI’ve looked and looked until I’m dizzy. Everything looks right. I know the error should be in config.php but what if it isn’t and it still doesn’t work?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Add another blog – different template (skin)Thank you for responding.
The trouble with that is that I already have soooooo many categories with my blog. (My mind goes in all directions at the same time).
I’m creating, or trying to create, a static front page. There’d be links to various parts of the site. One of them would be the cooking site.Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Help me. Upgrade failed miserablyHoly moly, it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so very much.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Help me. Upgrade failed miserablyOK, I’ll upload wp-includes again and see what happens.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Static Welcome Page for WP CMSWell, I don’t know what just happened. I downloaded the updated Andreas04 into a different directory from my other blog directory and, to my surprise, the initial blog theme updated too.
In answer to your question, I never got an error message. However, not all the options are on the Andreas04.
How can I put it? Take for instance the RSS icon. Andreas09 has it. Andreas04 does not.
I’m sure there’s lots more but that’s all I have so far.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: missing stylesheet in andreas04?Wow, that’s the one. Looks like someone did an upgrade on it. It’s now Andreas04-20.
I’m ever so grateful. Thank you
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: missing stylesheet in andreas04?Oh this is the one allright. Will it work with 2.1.2, I wonder?
Thank you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Static Welcome Page for WP CMSIt doesn’t appear in the 2.1.2 theme directory. 2.1.2 has a lot of added features that sound like they’d be fun to use. If I want to use Andreas04, I have to stick to 2.07.
Here are the examples: – this is Andreas04 with WP2.07 – this is Andreas09 with WP2.1.2
I can’t find Andreas04 to work with 2.1.2Am I making sense?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: missing stylesheet in andreas04?Oh yes. It’s just that with 2.1.2 that theme does not work the way it should. That’s all. I can’t even find it in the list of themes in the theme directory.
I’m thinking I have to stick to 2.07 if I want to use Andreas04.
Just to explain myself, I downloaded Andreas04 from Andrea’s website. A lot of the files were missing. I’ve sent him an email. I wonder if he’ll respond.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Static Welcome Page for WP CMSOh, you’re not seeing the new one – WP2.1.2. Previously I had WP1.07 and that’s the one you’d be seeing because the new one is not live yet.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Static Welcome Page for WP CMSWell, I thought I’d give you an update. I downloaded the WP2.1.2. I installed it and then, to my grief, I realize that my very favourite theme is not compatible with the new wordpress. That being Andreas04-10.
Is there any way I can make it compatible? Is there anyone who can make it compatible? I just love it and now I can’t use it. That totally sucks, don’t you think?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: missing stylesheet in andreas04?I know what you mean but in this case it’s not the case. I think what’s happened is that andreas04 is not compatible with wp2.1.2. It’s such a shame because I loved that theme. I installed Andreas09 instead. It’s nice but I miss Andreas04.
Is there anything I can do?