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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: What video formats does Word Press accept ?For my own little personal blog, I’ve been quite pleased with the Smart Youtube plugin . . .
<a href="">
. . . which lets me very simply type into my blog the Youtube link (using an httpv tag) to a video in plain-text format, for example httpv://url-here, no quotes. The result is that the video appears to play within the blog, although of course it actually resides at Youtube.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Getting a fatal error. Pls help me.Are you also on latest version of Buddypress?
Try this: deactivate and then reactivate Buddypress.
I would probably also then log out of WordPress admin and close the browser. Open the browser again, and browse to your website.
Do you still have the same error?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do you add text to photo pages?After you click on that photo and see ” the image then enlarges on another page”, take a look at the URL shown in the browser and you’ll see it ends with “.jpg”. This shows you that the browser is displaying the jpg image itself. Instead of having your blog page link to that image itself, you could make it link to another page which you’d have created containing both the image and whatever text you want.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a point to having a child theme?For your upgraded theme to have removed your child theme, your child theme would have had to have had the same name as the theme itself. True, no point to that. The point of the child theme is that it contains your own customizations of the main theme which do not get destroyed when the main theme is updated. Generally nothing can overwrite or remove your child theme without knowing its name — which only you need to know.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do you create multiple columns within a column?One way is to insert an html table — one example . . .
<table style="border: none;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border: none; font-size: 100%; width="50%"> some text in one column . . . something something live at the somewhere or other</td> <td style="border: none; vertical-align: middle;" width="50%">in the other column . . . something else blah blah</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress footer helpHowever a change to footer.php may constitute a change to your theme — so if (or when) your theme gets an update, your changes could be lost. You don’t have to dig very far to read advice that a better approach is to create a child theme, then put a footer.php into that and make your changes there instead.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Twenty Ten Child ThemeI got great help with twentyten child themes here the other day.
Rev Voodoo told me this:do you use the twentyten theme?
If so read this:
it’s an explanation, and child theme tutorialnever edit twentyten basically, use a child theme
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: padding above header, twenty ten theme.Maybe what Elfin says above is right …
maybe this is not padding, but that part of the header which appears above your header image. On my twentyten site, I have some text for the name of the blog, immediately above my header image. I think you’ve specified that nothing appear on that line, but maybe the line itself is still there.Thanks again for the advice, and Rev Voodoo for your WPchild tutorial.
Have created the child with its own style.css, header.php, and footer.php,
and re-done a Twentyten download and reinstall. Looks like my emergency escape buttons are there on top and bottom of all pages, and everything else functioning correctly. Thank you!Thanks, both!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Anyone know much about altering images sizes?For setting an image to a consistent width without degrading quality, I’ve been finding Picasa convenient and easy. (That’s the free desktop image editor from Google.) You simply “export” a photo to another folder, and it prompts for a width — I always take the default of 800 pixels, which works fine for my blog.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Change leading on one page.BP, so glad it worked!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Change leading on one page.I had satisfactory results with line spacing using this
<td style="font-size:125%;line-height:130%;text-align:left;">
Although that was within an html table, I guess
it would work as well within a paragraph tag, like this:
<p style="line-height:130%;">put content here</p>
You can find out more by Googling CSS coding.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Want to make an offshoot directory is the beginning directory — everything else branches out from that spot. See root directory in Wikipedia: it’s the place you should be in when you don’t specify any other directory or subdirectory. Root’s address is indicated by a single slash — not the word root.
When they say core directory above, they mean the directory in which you place your WordPress core files, the files needed to make WordPress work. That directory would have a name, not necessarily core.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to move a fileAdditionally I would seek to prove whether or not permissions are the problem. See if you can use the LS mentioned in the tutorial on the dartmouth link to find out what the permissions are.
If you’re not comfortable with how to do that, I would fear you might be skating on thin ice in attempting to manually move files around within your template folder.