Hello again.
I have to add that i am free.fr user and free use php 5.1 which do not have DateTime class.
What i dont understand is that this class was used in previous versions of customizr without visible error.
I found this code to emulate this class :
[ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. ]
if (!class_exists('DateTime')) {
class DateTime {
public $date;
public function __construct($date) {
$this->date = strtotime($date);
public function setTimeZone($timezone) {
private function __getDate() {
return date(DATE_ATOM, $this->date);
public function modify($multiplier) {
$this->date = strtotime($this->__getDate() . ' ' . $multiplier);
public function format($format) {
return date($format, $this->date);
But where should i put it ? In customizr-child/functions.php ?