12 years, 10 months ago
Installed the TwentyTen theme and that has resolved the original sizing issue.
But within Appearance there is not the Option for Theme Options – so how can I get the dark theme back?
The footer.php has been changed to:
[code moderated - please use the pastebin for any code over ten lines]
which is unedited from another site with that theme.
It has made no difference.
the header image should be only 960 px wide.
As I have not added #wrapper – I have no idea what that refers to – how would that have got there?
Have already checked that & also copies and pasted the header script from a separate installation of Twent yen
Have not edited the style.css so how could that happen?
all deactivated and no difference
removed that and no difference.
12 years, 11 months ago
WP version is UK, but just want to translate ‘Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked’ to also appear in Spanish.
Apologies the theme is Twenty Ten
Have looked in both of those php files and I do not see the text that I want to translate:
‘Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked’
12 years, 12 months ago
Unfortunately that is because about 30 min earlier I did a new install of WP – and as you have seen its OK now but am intrigued what caused it to happen.
13 years ago
excellent! ??
many thanks
thank you. are you able to advise which function I would find this entry for .entry-utility please?
Thanks for your response.
The text in question is in the bottom left hand of the home page here:
This will be the only page for this site.