Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Book Review Block] French translationI saw there is no lang directory for this plugin. Does that mean it is not ready for translation and so explain why the french is not available ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Book Review Block] can’t use with editor rights“And I’m marking this as resolved because I feel that I’ve adequately replied to your questions that directly relate to this plugin.”
Just a philosophical point of view. the only person who can said it is solved is the person who ask , post the problem, not the people in charge of.
And on a strict true point of view, your plugin still need special rights to work so it is not standard behavior ,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Book Review Block] French translationSince more than 4 week the french translation is waiting ? who validate ? and why is so long , without any answer from “the comittee” ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Book Review Block] can’t use with editor rightsI have to said more
the way we use waiting you take care or not of the request.
I created a template for books review article. In this template i put paragraph , title .. and so on and the BRB block and in this block insert the API KEY
the user copy the template and write a new article with it and ( if you don’t remove ISBN meta ) fill the ISBN and publish the review
That a way , compromise to find solution
But now editor can’t use ISBN ?? you done exactly the inverse of my demand !!
you should listen more better your users
- This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by enthalpie.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Book Review Block] can’t use with editor rightsI will try to answer with my poor English
first i did’nt ask for restriction, but for the opposite, editor should use the ISBN code.
Second if you think in functionality analytic , the API KEY is a admin and UNIQUE value for all the articles and the ISBN is user value, multiple and link with article
So you can’t treated in the same way
none Gutenberg block need admin rights, only yours and if you agree to the above remark , the API KEY is not in the block , only ISBN with normal rights.
I am 77 year old, project manager on IT for more than 20 years ( I saw the first PC! ) , you don’t like my message, it is because your product is fine and I love it and I want to use it. May I said something ? I don’t like you close the post when you answer to it . In 20 years of job, I never saw that, It is the user who can close the post when he think so !!
And I never use and PC with admin rights , I work on Linux never root Why WP created users with different level of rights ? It is the first safety rule on every system
I have pasted some hours to for french translation and ?? for pleasure, to help for more user can adopt BRB ! .. I propose to paid for evolution in a private email ??? !
But it is not a money problem, it is a structure issue !!
You told me to use an extension user role editor, So I follow and bough It because i am open to all idea. but this extension does’nt do the job , i can’t give admin rights to only your block. I spend money to sky
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Book Review Block] can’t use with editor rightsmy last answer !. it is clear two item are different. first the API key is an admin value, which is set in the admin page for books reviews block. it is unvariant, for all books, depend of the site, and need IT knowledge. The ISBN is a variable, depending books, should be set by user who create article with editor rights. You can’t go against this .
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Book Review Block] can’t use with editor rightsand you can see with rights given , with user role , an editor can’t use ISBN !!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Book Review Block] can’t use with editor rights“which could be a security issue if you don’t trust your editors.” !! yes i trust my editor and for this reason they are only editor. I never give to user the admin rights since 30 ans i am working in IT !!! with editor rights they could edit , create , modify article and all item on it. books review block is the only one which can’t respect this rules and need admin rights !!!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Book Review Block] can’t use with editor rightsNO it is back a cache problem ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Book Review Block] can’t use with editor rights!!!!! it is worse !! with the admin rights i can’t file ISBN and API key !! i have loose the possibility to !!!! when i clic to ISBN for example the windows closed and i arrive on image !!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Book Review Block] can’t use with editor rightsit is possible for example to wpdicuzz, flamingo .. but not for books review block
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Book Review Block] can’t use with editor rightshi and i have downloaded to test !! but i can’t give rigths for your plugins spécificalty !!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Book Review Block] can’t use with editor rightsso you ” bottez en touche” some other plugin have the ability to manage rights ! and for doing what you said i should paid for the pro version !!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Book Review Block] can’t use with editor rightsHI donna
I have try and now, with normal rights , we did’nt see the ISBN and API on the rigth side ?? could you test and see
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Book Review Block] free fieldOr is it possible to give to us to change the label and so use as we want ?