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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress MU Domain Mapping] Post Preview does not workThe same problem, MU mapping domain with options 2,3,4 activated don’t show the preview of the posts.
The problem is this:
1) If I change on network admin > sites the name of blogs for example like this: myblogname.com
After I’m not able to login on the admin panel of the blog.
2) If I leave on network admin > sites the name of blogs for example like: blog.mainsite.com
After I’m not able to see post preview.
In both way people that use MU mapping domain will have issues.
How is possible to fix the problem?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: redirect login to ..reauth=1I have the same problem, the plugin don’t work fine.
All work fine in front end but the login to admin panel of the mapped sites don’t work.
After two week of search, I try a lot of solution but I wasn’t able to fix it.
I try to:
Change my prefix table for non numerical prefix table.
Mix all 5 options of the plugin in each way.
Delete all user (only remaning superadmin).
Try to change from A to CNAME.
Try to deactivate all plugins (buddypress too).My config: WPMU 3.1.2 subdomains
For me the plugin need a fix!
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problem on the name of subdomains blogI reinstall all with https://www.higringo.com but I have the same problem.
This happened with 3.0.5 too.
There is a devil inside my code?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problem on the name of subdomains blogI understand you ?? but what you think about this strange problem. Whi my install take out from subdomain name the dots?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problem on the name of subdomains blogI had this error for subdomains before with https://www.higringo.com and now too with higringo.com , I change with notepad ++ from database created with https://www.higringo.com and I make sostitution of https://www.higringo.com with higringo.com and still have this problem.
Some other ideas?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problem on the name of subdomains blogIs listed as higringo.com
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problem on the name of subdomains blogThank Ipstenu for your answer,
How can I find this miss-matchs on my DB?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problem on the name of subdomains blogIt could be a misconfiguration of the server?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problem on the name of subdomains blogYes
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Problem on the name of subdomains blogHi Andrea,
Thank for your answer this is my setting in wp-config
I use WPMU install 3.1.2 with subdomains and Buddypress 1.2.8
And this is how I configured my wp-config:
/////////////////// WORDPRESS MULTISITO define ('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true ) ; define( 'MULTISITE', true ); define( 'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', true ); $base = '/'; define( 'DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', 'higringo.com' ); define( 'PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/' ); define( 'SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1 ); define( 'BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1 ); define( 'SUNRISE', 'on' ); /////////////////// WORDPRESS MULTISITO /////////////////// BUDDYPRESS MULTISITO define ( 'BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG', true ); global $blog_id; define ( 'BP_ROOT_BLOG', $blog_id ); /////////////////// BUDDYPRESS MULTISITO
You can find some mistake?
Thank in advance.
You have true.
What you think if I change main blog from https://www.higringo.com to for example blog.higringo.com and try to map manually on DB and add an alias on server?
Another way is to use main domain not for registration but only like a mask for my sites.
Both way work with the use on server of alias for each blog.
Any suggest?
Hi Ron,
Thank again for your explanation.
I check and was find that MU mapping domain is not compatible with Transposh (fantastic multilanguage plugin that I need in my blog) I was find another multilanguage plugin (WPML) but creators said that is not compatible too with MU mapping domain.
Moreover if I map subdomains for example test1.higringo.com to test1.higringo.com setted as primary (naturally after I need to insert on server the alias test1.higringo.com) the redirect after registration work.
So in my scenario all blogs work apart main blog becouse is not mapped.
I try to force in MU Mapping Domain the insert manually of one record with the mapping of main blog https://www.higringo.com to domain https://www.higringo.com with blog ID 1 and primary actived but whitout success.
I think a lot of people need to have multilanguage on WPMU and can be easy for very genius programmer like you to find a quik work around for this problem ??
Please help me.
Now Ofer, the developer of Transposh is looking to help me fixing the problem in him plugin. If he isn’t able, please try to give me you the solution.
Thank in advance to you and Andrea for your work.
Cantori Enrico
Dear Ron,
Thank for your answer.
I set both on DNS and SERVER too. How have to be setted subdomains without a domain on MU domain mapping?
Primary or not primary?
es: test1.higirngo.com have alias (work)
es: test2.higringo.com don’t have alias (don’t work)Many Thank
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: BuddyPress Album ] Upload IssueUpload broke my link in bp-album
My impostations:
WPMU 3.0.5 with subdomains
Installed on root
Bp-album 1.8.7
remapping = noBlog test site.
User: test1 Pass: test1
And try to add a photo…When I upload one photo, the photo is stored correctly on the server and on the table of database but redirect dosn’t work and don’t redirect me to $bp->album->edit_slug but to a broken link page.
I have the same problem when I try to delete or edit one photo on the page showing the image.
For delete and edit I solved changing the redirect in bp-album-screens.php with bp_core_redirect( site_url() ); but the same triks don’t work for the function bp_album_action_upload().
For me is enough solve the problem adding one string for each blog in .htaccess.
I try this way looking how database store the photo on my server and I added this code but without effect:
Redirect 301 var/www/vhosts/higringo.com/httpdocs/wp-content/uploads/album/ https://www.higringo.com/wp-content/uploads/album/
Redirect 301 var/www/vhosts/higringo.com/httpdocs/wp-content/blogs.dir/9/files/album/ https://www.higringo.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/9/files/album/Please help me, I have a lot of blogs with 1.8.7 version and I need to have this version worked.
Thank in advance for your work.