I know that I can modify the .htaccess file to make up rules to automatically append the .php, but there is one big problem with that, and that’s that I would have to use static or at least staticish links in my WordPress installation, instead of sweet php link codes like get_permalink(26);. And there’s a WHOLE lot of them I’d have to change. ??
I have no problem writing up a long .htaccess file to get the links to do what I want, but is there anyone that knows how I can edit the “get_permalink” function to get the correct link (ie https://www.site.com/page.php instead of https://www.site.com/?page_id=10 or https://www.site.com/parent/page/)?
The code doesn’t have to be pretty, I just can’t think of any way to get it to do what I want.
Any help is super appreciated!