Hello @matheusfd,
Thank you for your quick response. I read the feedback that you have created. One addition I’d like you to consider, you could also consider just displaying a portion of the error received from Stripe in such cases. For instance, in my case I found the following response in the GiveWP error log:
"post_title": "Stripe Payment Intent Error",
"post_content": "Unable to create a payment intent. Details: Your card's security code is incorrect.",
"post_parent": 0,
"log_type": "gateway_error",
"file": "/home2/awesooi5/public_html/themathewscreative/mystaging02/wp-content/plugins/give/includes/gateways/functions.php",
"line": 258,
"function": "add",
"class": "Give_Logging"
You could consider just showing the details i.e. “Your card’s security code is incorrect.”
In conclusion though, I realise there isn’t much I can do at this point. Thank you for help and clarification.