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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] Change Button Colors & Change Header ColorsThe first issue is a known bug with the options which has been fixed with the latest update (v1.3.0) The update has been submitted but pending approval.
Preview: https://s27.postimg.org/7ny5p150z/tnav_col.jpgYou can either wait for the update to be approved or get it from SVN.
You can read the rest of the update details here: https://eodepo.com/wordpress/bootstrap-ul-update-1-3-0/For the second question the button colors depend on your theme. The default bootstrap button code & colors are listed here: https://getbootstrap.com/css/#buttons
I cant add [button_shortcode]s as a theme feature because [shortcodes] fall into “plugin territory” like many other.But you can always change colors if you are capable of editing css code. Use override.css file for your customizations in order not to lose your changes in future updates.
Thank you for using the theme, feel free to review & rate the theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] How to change extra textYeah, it’s always nice to have an image for the post. The checks are done in this order :
Featured image > Custom image (set in write screen) > Placeholder.js > Placeholder <img>And thank for your feedback and positive comments, feel free to rate & review the theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] How to change extra textYou can simply turn that placeholder texts in “Xtend” tab > “Placeholder.js” off.
They are just random buzzwords for quick scaffolding. But if you want, you can edit them in “bootstrap-ultimate/inc/_init_setup.php”
"say_buzz" => array("think outside the box","innovation","responsive design","social marketing","the cloud","user engagement","synergy" ),
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Bootstrap Ultimate] examplesYou can view the demo at:
https://eodepo.com/wp/demo/bootstrap-ul/And login with
User: demo | Pass: demo
to play with optionsForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Forbidden functions to submit to wp themes dirOk thanks for the clarification
@callum Macdonald
I am totally with you on this one. Besides, even if this was a defect, it’s not as a big one to rate 2 stars.
Also i think you should add some checks such as
if( post_type_supports( $post_type, ‘title’ ) ) {