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Same problem here, i see headers twice now on top of eacht other. do not know where the code should be placed exactly. I am using the atahualpa theme 3.4.6 and wordpress 3.0
Anybody any suggestions?Edwin
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages in Firefox show archives, blogroll andsoforthIt is SOLVED finally, I found out that during the last WordPress update, the Atahualpa theme options were changed a little bit. In the seperate places the use of sidebars was put to OUT just as i wanted it, but on the main section where You can fill in when to use sidebars everything was switched to ON. After getting rid of all those X’ses Everything works fien in Mozilla Firefox as well. If anyone needs further explanation please ask me.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages in Firefox show archives, blogroll andsoforthSo, to cut it short; this problem is still NOT SOLVED. Please help me. I am willing to pay for the solution.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages in Firefox show archives, blogroll andsoforthJust found out I needed to look at index.php in the template directory. But in that file there is no calling out for my sidebar!
As mentioned, the sidebars are NOT shown on IE8. I have set in ATAHUALPA NOT to show the sidebars, but apparently firefox sees sth else somewhere..Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages in Firefox show archives, blogroll andsoforthOkay, now i tried to find my page.php template file but cannot find it.. in which subdirectorie should that be placed and can it also be the case that the name in atahualpa is different??
Hope to hear sth. soon, I would like to solve it now.
greetings from a tiny island in the northsea- at the moment covered in white. Edwin
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages in Firefox show archives, blogroll andsoforthThankx esmi for your reaction. One question though, before i try to do this. I am using the atahualpa theme. Can i do this safely? and/or does that mean that when an update comes available for atahualpa, that I then again should change that?