Forum Replies Created
Yes, agree the assumption that the site was hacked was premature.
It does sound as if by removing those pages where usernames were published automatically, spambots will find it harder to collect e-mail addresses from the site.
Perhaps the forum and comments are still points of vulnerability, if the usernames are still published there without obfuscation. Maybe a notice should go out to WPStoreCart customers to make certain that their usernames are not email addresses…
In any case, thanks for deleting our info off the WPStoreCart site. The time has come for us to sign off of this thread.
Okay, where do the usernames get exposed on your site?
Having never participated in your forum or posted any comments on your site, are you able to point to a place where all the usernames are listed? If not, then hacking of your site is still an unfortunate possibility.
Wasn’t questioning your privacy policy, or your intentions.
Where are the usernames public, other than the forum? Since we have not posted to your forums, how would the username become public?
But since you mention your privacy policy…
When our team manages forums we never use emails as usernames. To us, doing that IS a disclosure of private information to third parties. (And your answer above seems to support that doing so discloses the information to third parties.)
As I mentioned via email, please delete all of our information off of the WP StoreCart site. That will make me feel more secure.
Also we do not appreciate your disclosing our private information on this forum (our email, listed above). Doing so also goes against your privacy policy. Or so it would seem, in my opinion.
One would have thought it was self-evident that email addresses are private information. Sigh.
The good news: apparently Jeff Quindlen is okay, for someone has approved our refund on Paypal. The bad news is that there is no other sign of activity from wpStoreCart.
We will leave the status as “not resolved” until there is site activity, since that’s what this thread is about.