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  • Thread Starter elsnare


    I’m using the free version. Not sure this kind of support is allowed ??

    Thread Starter elsnare


    Thank you for the response.

    – What was the image size you were trying to upload?
    I tried different sizes from 400kb to 3MB.

    – What was the maximum upload limit of your server PHP configuration?
    8 MB

    – Can you upload that same image from admin panel (media uploader)?
    Yes. Also uploading through the post content front editor works fine (insert photo). The problem is specific to the featured image uploader and single image upload modules.

    The image IS being uploaded in a sense the progress bar takes longer, the larger the file size is. Then the 200 error pops up and there is no file in the wp-content/uploads dir.

    Like I said – deleting the featured image from a previously published post does not work either, so this might be related.

    Thread Starter elsnare


    Hi Steve.
    Thanks for the input.

    The thing is 64MB is my current host provider limit. Any ideas what might be causing this to happen now? Did the DB get too big and requires more memory to process? This is my guess.

    I don’t

    If possible I would like to keep host migration as a last resort option.

    Thread Starter elsnare


    Thanks for the help, but after the change the problem still persists.
    Any other ideas? ??

    Thread Starter elsnare


    Hi David!
    I modified the code to fit my needs, building it around custom field values:

    $args= array(
    'meta_query' => array(
    'key' => 'type',
    'value' => 'apple',
    $pagelist = get_pages($args);
    $pages = array();
    foreach ($pagelist as $page) {
       $pages[] += $page->ID;
    $current = array_search(get_the_ID(), $pages);
    $prevID = $pages[$current-1];
    $nextID = $pages[$current+1];
    <a href="<?php echo get_permalink($prevID); ?>" title="<?php echo get_the_title($prevID); ?>">Previous</a>
    <a href="<?php echo get_permalink($nextID); ?>" title="<?php echo get_the_title($nextID); ?>">Next</a>

    The above script works, but it completely ignores the meta key/value parameters to narrow down the list of pages to jump to.

    Thread Starter elsnare


    Thanks for the reply. Resolved.

    Thread Starter elsnare


    Hmm..seems disabling the cookie fixed the problem as described here:

    Thread Starter elsnare


    The problem is not related to the plugin directly – it does what it’s supposed to do.

    The core of it is that even when I remove/rename /wp-login.php from the wp directory, the bots still can somehow try to log-in (the plugin sends emails that the user has been locked due too many login attempts). There is no front-end login form anywhere on the site.

    So the account “admin” gets locked.
    Account aaaaa with admin rights gets locked.
    Account bbb with admin rights gets locked.

    Since those attacks usually take around 2-3 days this is a nuisance.

    I could always disable this feature in the plugin but I want that extra security. So here I am looking for an answer how are they accessing the login form even if it’s physically disabled/protected by additional password access.

    Thread Starter elsnare


    The plugin disables access to the account for X minutes after X login attempts. After X times it blacklists the IP of the attacker – though they tend to use servers around the world, blockin IP does not stop the attacks.

    The plugin works fine and does what it’s supposed to do.

    I’m just surprised (and worried) they can try to login even when I completely broke/disabled wp-logn.php through FTP. I need to put an additional line of defence here ??

    I quick work-around for this problem:

    Open /inc/options.php in the plugin folder.
    Edit the line
    $menu['position'] = '30';
    to “31”.

    Worked for me ??

    Thread Starter elsnare


    Sorry but Czech is not my main language so I might not be the best person to consult this with ?? The settings on my site are based on settings from the original client’s website to minimize SEO problems.

    Thread Starter elsnare


    Hi John, back on track after the weekend ??
    I did check the page’s widget as you suggested – no output, not even the title for the widget block.

    As for troubleshooting, try pasting the code in the template file, with the “hide content” check-box enabled. Does this code print a list for you?

    <?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>

    Thread Starter elsnare


    @john Clause
    I’m 100% sure. When enabling the check-box the list simply vanishes (even the content in the base language). It seems like wp_list_pages returns nothing.

    I re-written the code using get_pages(); – the pages appear, they are translated but the “empty” ones for a given language don’t disappear. I get the standard “(language name) page name” output.

    Also checked after the language fix from the other topic – no effect.

    Thread Starter elsnare



    The problem lied in the wrong locale code in the language settings. For the Czech language I had it: “cz_CZ”, when it should be “cs_CZ”. After the change it works fine now.

    Thanks for the help.

    Thread Starter elsnare


    But are you sure, tested it?

    Tested – no, but there is no extra code/filters that affect the date outside the plugin. It’s a regular wp post with regular date output.

    BTW – wp_list_pages problem –
    do you have this solved?

    Nope. wp_list_pages does not work with the “hide content” checkbox enabled. I had to rewrite the code using the get_pages(); function.

    The pages sho wup now, their titles are translated but they are not hidden when there is no content for a given language. Still better than no pages at all ??

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