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  • Thread Starter EllsWeb


    You are great with your support.
    I am really happy with the way things are going with this plugin.
    Sorry if I sound really “cut and dried” when I bring up issues I am having. I do appreciate your quick responses and your quick updates.

    Thread Starter EllsWeb



    The save works initially.
    I checked the db right after saving the options. The information is in the db as it was saved.

    I leave the page in admin “Settings” open and go to another browser signing in as a member. I go to the “Add File” process that and the emails that are sent contain the data contained in the cu.php file, not the db.

    I go back to the db and look in the options again and the content has re-saved to the original content in the cu.php file.

    Seperate instance.
    I save the options in “Settings”.
    I go to another admin page.
    I come back to the “Settings” and the content is replaced by the original content contained in the cu.php file.

    I go back to the db and the content in the db has reverted back to the original content in the cu.php file.

    Whenever the script runs, it over writes the db options for the fields of “Admin Email” and “User Email” both the “Subject” and the “Body” nothing else is over ridden by the script in the options table, just those fields.

    Thread Starter EllsWeb


    This thread is marked resolved, but I haven’t even answered your question.
    No matter.

    The hard coded content is what is there, and won’t change when I save.
    When you do an update, obviously the hard coded content is replaced that I had to put in, and the database is changed to the hard coded content contained in the new update.

    Whatever is in the file is what is put into the database, nothing in those boxes is over ridden when the save feature is used.

    To reiterate;

    Everything in the settings that I change in the boxes except for “Admin Email” and “User Email” are saved and they survive updates.

    When I attempt to save the Admin and User email fields, (even after your latest 1.4.6 update), when the settings page refreshes, the content I changed looks like it saved. When I go to a different page and come back, the content in the boxes for “Subject” and “Body” for both Admin Email and User Email is reverted back to the original.

    All the other settings that have been saved, stay as they were saved. It’s only the Admin Email and User Email boxes that don’t save and do not survive updates.

    So, in answer to your question, the original always overrides whatever I attempt to save.

    Thread Starter EllsWeb


    Yes, thank you for the fixes.
    They work great.

    I am liking this plugin more and more, and I liked it when I first installed it. Great work.

    Thread Starter EllsWeb


    Yes, I am aware that the notices must be suppressed. But when trying to debug for a problem, there are a lot of them. I don’t run a site with debug on. That would kill my site.. as many plugins as well as WP have warnings and notices, but that’s a lot of notices of undefined variables and indexes …

    I will check out the update, Thanks millions.. for the quick responses.

    Thread Starter EllsWeb


    Thanks you your reply @smartypants.

    It is a relief to know that the paid premium version isn’t encrypted.
    For those of us who are concerned about encrypted files on our server (for security reasons), that is nice to know.

    In the trial version of premium, the readme file says tested to WP 3.4.1 is the paid version tested up to the current WP 3.5?

    Thanks, and I do like the plugin. It was just so frustrating attempting to try and figure out why things weren’t working and all of the notices and db errors going on at the same time.


    I hope you realize now that there are equally (if not more so) passionate and zealous people who want to provide what their customers want. Your explanations may be useful in certain circumstances, but in ours, it might be wise to consider that there is a legitimate reason to provide front end functionality.

    Your assertion that the only reason for the admin section is for the things you suggest they are for, is negated by the very name “ADMIN”.

    WordPress is an evolving project. It is now used for socializing as well as many other functions. Either adapt with the new and exciting things people can do with WordPress or you will continue to provide products more and more people are getting away from just like the one plugin attributed to you (which is not the plugin you claim to be co-author of).

    Basically what you did here was attempt to do exactly what @JMDezigns said you did. First you implied you were more involved than you are with this plugin and then you backtracked and stated that you weren’t exactly associated with the author of this plugin. I do pay attention to what people say, and basically, you were trying to hijack this thread and turn it into something that we might go for when you get around to forking this plugin.

    Since you apparently don’t exactly have the relationship with the author you tried to imply, maybe you might consider letting the author speak for himself. He has already created one front end plugin that has similar abilities, just not structured the way this one is.

    Trying to “explain” that we would be better off going to a different platform to do what we want to accomplish is not an acceptable approach. But, I guess you might have figured that out by now..

    Good luck with your fork. Although, you will notice this one already functions in the back end.

    I am a developer as well. Not a plugin developer (not working with code as much as you, maybe) but I develop websites using the next level. That’s putting the bits and pieces people like you write, together and making them work for my customers. Please don’t forget, because we don’t necessarily work with code as much as you, we do develop.

    Thank you @JMDezins.
    I was afraid I was going too far.

    I really dislike hijackers.

    Well, I guess I, for one won’t be looking for your fork.
    Those of us who are looking for front end functionality will be looking to the developer of this plugin to see if he is interested in providing what we are asking for. At least he hasn’t told us to look for another platform to do what we want.

    So, now that I understand that you are arguing against development of the front end on this project and that you quite possibly will be involved in the decisions relating to this plugin, I guess that should tell the rest of us where this is heading.

    As I stated before, there are people who will listen to what we want.
    It’s a shame you are attempting to sell what you are attempting to sell. Basically, and to be quite honest, the backend is not what we want, nor is it what our customers want. The backend is designed so that it is not easily themed or redesigned or modified for different functionality.

    We want it on the front end. “Of course you’re all welcome to do whatever you please, you’ll probably just have better luck with existing platforms if you’re looking for a front end UI.” you seem to be telling us you won’t do it.

    With all due respect @s3w47m88, you are not the developer of this plugin. Your recommendation that anyone go somewhere else is more an indication of your lack of understanding of what the rest of us are looking for. We like WordPress and it’s adaptability. We like the developers here who listen to what we are looking for and I might suggest that you take your own advice an go to a different platform or forum. We want the front end functionality. You have made it clear, you aren’t interested in providing it, and you have done it on another developer’s support forum.

    You don’t see the need for what we want. You don’t believe it’s worth the extra work, and having looked at your plugin, it’s not what will do for me what I want. So, I am here talking with the developer of this plugin. Sell your idea in your support forum.

    Most visitors visit a site because it is aesthetically appealing, it does what they are wanting it to do and it is easy to navigate. Introducing the backend to members of a site (unless they are “plugin developers” or creating their own sub site (as with multisite), is confusing to members. It’s the same as sending them to a different site. It breaks up the flow of the website and will cause a member to look for something easier to deal with.

    “Experts” have mulled this over since the beginning of time (as we know it). People want things easy, quick and consistent. We could debate the fact that “Because displaying limited data on the front end is no different than displaying it on the back end except that it requires the plugin author to do even MORE work to add all this front end support” for eternity, but it really breaks down to a few simple facts.

    As a developer one might believe that there is no need to do anything extra because (in one’s mind) one doesn’t see the need for the extra work. Or as a developer, one can listen to those who are potential users of my product. If one chooses what one thinks is the right way to go (over what people say they want), then those who otherwise would use my product, will go somewhere else that has a developer or group of developers who will listen and will give them what they want. Plain and simple.

    WordPress has over 20,000 plugins as far as I can tell, and a growing number of themes. Every one of those plugins and themes are developed because someone wants a different look, more or less functionality.

    With this plugin, we want front end functionality. As with other plugins, if the developer doesn’t respond with what people are looking for, another developer will eventually pick it up and feel it is worth the “extra work” to provide what is wanted. So, being a developer “s3w47m88”, of a possible competing plugin with this one and coming here arguing why you have abandoned the idea of what we want, and believe your idea is sufficient isn’t going to change anyone’s minds here.

    It’s simple… give us what we want, or we go to someone who will.

    Or someone here will fork this plugin (because it is a good one) and add the functionality people want. That’s what makes the world go round…

    Couldn’t you combine certain of the front-end from your WP User Frontend plugin to accomplish this? I like the way your WP User Frontend plugin has a dashboard and everything is done from the frontend.

    I’m working with both plugins and considering diving into both to see how much I could do to accomplish this.. Not planning on accomplishing much more than understanding how you do it. I haven’t had much success joining functions from one plugin to another yet..

    Couldn’t a conditional rename function be placed in the newer version of the plugin to change the db table and any options named “project” or “Projects” to the new name if updating from an older version of the plugin? And then just a straight create db table on first time installs..??

    Oh, I am so tired.. It’s time for me to leave this alone.
    I figured out what the Label is for… DUH!!!

    So I changed it to “Attachment(s)” and it shows the attachments below it. I was thinking the Label was like the “Help text”…
    Disregard my issue.. it’s only local… lol

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