Forum Replies Created
After changing the transport type to other smtp and setting up gmail smtp server.
this is the connectivity test:
- ? ?? Port 443 can be used with the Mailgun API.
- ? ?? Port 443 can be used with the SendGrid API.
- ? ?? Port 587 can be used for SMTP to smtp.gmail.com.
- ? ?? Port 587 can be used for SMTP to smtp-relay.brevo.com.
- ? ?? Port 25 can be used for SMTP to smtp.gmail.com.
- ? ?? Port 443 can be used with the Mandrill API.
- ? ?? Port 443 can be used with the Gmail API.
- ? ?? Port 2525 can be used for SMTP to smtp.elasticemail.com.
- ? ?? Port 587 can be used for SMTP to in-v3.mailjet.com.
- ? ?? Port 587 can be used for SMTP to smtp.postmarkapp.com.
- ? ?? Port 587 can be used for SMTP to smtp.sparkpostmail.com. Warning: connected to 0.0 instead of sparkpostmail.com.
- ? ?? Port 465 can be used for SMTP to smtp.gmail.com.
Hi, thank you for your response.
Mailer: postsmtp
HostName: sleep-well.co.il
cURL Version: 7.64.0
OpenSSL Version: OpenSSL/1.1.1n
OS: Linux 508796.cloudwaysapps.com 4.19.0-21-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.249-2 (2022-06-30) x86_64
PHP: Linux 7.4.33 en_US.UTF-8
PHP Dependencies: iconv=Yes, spl_autoload=Yes, openssl=Yes, sockets=Yes, allow_url_fopen=Yes, mcrypt=No, zlib_encode=Yes
WordPress: 6.4.1 he_IL UTF-8
WordPress Theme: Hello Elementor Child
WordPress Plugins: Gravity Perks, Gravity Forms, 3D FlipBook : Dflip Lite, Advanced Custom Fields PRO, All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension, All-in-One WP Migration, Breeze, Classic Editor, Custom css-js-php, Custom Post Type UI, Duplicate Post Page Menu & Custom Post Type, Dynamic.ooo – Dynamic Content for Elementor, Extras for Elementor, Elementor Pro, Elementor, Email Template Customizer for WooCommerce, Essential Addons for Elementor – Pro, Essential Addons for Elementor, Site Kit by Google, GP Populate Anything, Gravity PDF, Gravity Forms Partial Entries Add-On, Gravity Forms Signature Add-On, Header Footer Code Manager, Jet Appointments Booking, JetElements For Elementor, JetEngine, JetMenu, JetSearch, JetWooBuilder For Elementor, Lenix Elementor Leads addon, Loco Translate, Mailchimp for WooCommerce, MalCare WordPress Security Plugin – Malware Scanner, Cleaner, Security Firewall, PixelYourSite, Post SMTP, Redirection, Restrict – membership, site, content and user access restrictions for WordPress, Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order, Timber, TinyPNG – JPEG, PNG & WebP image compression, Bit Payment Gateway for WooCommerce, Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce, WooCommerce Payment Gateway – SUMIT, My Downloads Shortcode for WooCommerce, WooCommerce, Yoast SEO Premium, WP Accessibility Helper, WP All Import Pro, WP File Manager, Yaad Sarig Payment Gateway For WC
WordPress wp_mail Owner: /home/508796.cloudwaysapps.com/sgymhpwdkh/public_html/wp-content/plugins/post-smtp/Postman/PostmanWpMailBinder.php
WordPress wp_mail Filter(s): wp_staticize_emoji_for_email, VIWEC\INC\Email_Trigger->minify_email_content, PostsmtpMailer->get_mail_args
Postman: 2.8.2
Postman Sender Domain (Envelope|Message): sleep-well.co.il | sleep-well.co.il
Postman Prevent Message Sender Override (Email|Name): No | No
Postman Active Transport: Gmail API (https:oauth2://www.googleapis.com:443)
Postman Active Transport Status (Ready|Connected): Yes | Yes
Postman Deliveries (Success|Fail): 10927 | 124The connectivity test:
- ? ?? Port 443 can be used with the SendGrid API.
- ? ?? Port 587 can be used for SMTP to smtp-relay.brevo.com.
- ? ?? Port 443 can be used with the Mailgun API.
- ? ?? Port 443 can be used with the Mandrill API.
- ? ?? Port 587 can be used for SMTP to smtp.postmarkapp.com.
- ? ?? Port 2525 can be used for SMTP to smtp.elasticemail.com.
- ? ?? Port 587 can be used for SMTP to in-v3.mailjet.com.
- ? ?? Port 587 can be used for SMTP to smtp.sparkpostmail.com. Warning: connected to 0.0 instead of sparkpostmail.com.
- ? Port 25 is open, but not to https://www.googleapis.com.
- ? Port 465 is open, but not to https://www.googleapis.com.
- ? Port 587 is open, but not to https://www.googleapis.com.
A test with “No” Service Available indicates one or more of these issues:
- Your web host has placed a firewall between this site and the Internet
- The SMTP hostname is wrong or the mail server does not provide service on this port
- Your PHP configuration is preventing outbound connections
- Your WordPress configuration is preventing outbound connections
If the issues above can not be resolved, your last option is to configure Postman to use an email account managed by your web host with an SMTP server managed by your web host.
thank you.
hi dave.
sure the link is https://www.kpro.co.ilthank you very much,
eliIt shows up as a red warning massage above the translation window.
no redirect or anything just the massage when I’m clicking the save.hi,
thanks for the fast answer.
i am using the full locale code.
the strange thing is that i’m getting this massage only for bbpress but can save any other plugin without a problem.
i have reinstalled wordpress, bbpress and loco and still no luck.
what other information do you need to help me out?.