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I had a mistake in my timerDiv, I fixed it, it works! Instead of
timerDiv = document.querySelector(timerDiv);
I needed to have:
timerDiv = document.querySelector('.'+timerDiv);
function timer(timerDiv, myTime) { timerDiv = document.querySelector('.'+timerDiv); function timer() { timerDiv.innerText = myTime; if (myTime < 0) { timerDiv.innerText = "Time's up!"; clearInterval(); } myTime--; } setInterval(timer, 1000); } // timer timer('<?php echo $name; ?>',<?php echo $seconds; ?>);
I’m trying a new approach. This works in a plain PHP file:
<div class="timer1"></div> <div class="timer2"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> let myTime; let timerDiv; function timer(timerDiv, myTime) { //myTime = 5000; timerDiv = document.querySelector(timerDiv); function timer() { timerDiv.innerText = myTime; if (myTime < 0) { timerDiv.innerText = "Time's up!"; clearInterval(); } myTime--; } setInterval(timer, 1000); } timer('.timer1',5051); timer('.timer2',6000); </script>
But when I implement it on my WordPress shortcode side, it keeps giving me the error that TimerDiv is NULL:
<?php function testing1_shortcode($atts = '', $content = null) { $value = shortcode_atts( array( 'name' => "myTimer", 'seconds' => "2000" ), $atts, 'testing1_shortcode' ); echo $name = $value['name']; echo $seconds = $value['seconds']; ?> <div class="<?php echo $name; ?> timer"> </div><!---<?php echo $name; ?>--> <div class="mynewtimer"></div> <script> function timer(timerDiv, myTime) { timerDiv = document.querySelector(timerDiv); function timer() { timerDiv.innerText = myTime; if (myTime < 0) { timerDiv.innerText = "Time's up!"; clearInterval(); } myTime--; } setInterval(timer, 1000); } // timer timer('<?php echo $name; ?>',<?php echo $seconds; ?>); </script> <?php } // END shortcode add_shortcode('testing-variable-scope', 'testing1_shortcode');
In an external JS file:
let myTime; let timerDiv;
And using these 2 shortcodes to try display in a page, but the countdown itself is not showing:
[testing-variable-scope name=”timer1″ seconds=”6000″]
[testing-variable-scope name=”timer2″ seconds=”11000″]
I have created the simplest form of my plugin that I could to help sort out this issue.
function testing1_shortcode($atts = '', $content = null) { $value = shortcode_atts( array( 'seconds' => "2000" ), $atts, 'testing1_shortcode' ); $seconds = $value['seconds']; ?> <div class="timer"> </div><!---timer--> <?php } // END shortcode add_shortcode('testing-variable-scope', 'testing1_shortcode'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> let time = "<?php echo $seconds; ?>"; let timerBlock = document.querySelector(".timer"); function timer() { timerBlock.innerText = time; if (time < 0) { timerBlock.innerText = "Time's up!"; clearInterval(); } time--; } setInterval(timer, 1000); </script>
I have moved the js to outside the shortcode block now, and even now, it is still not working. I just don’t know what a working example would look like to replicate variable scope. Please could someone paste a working code using my above example so I can get an idea of what works and learn from it. I have learnt variable scope in the last day, I have understood the concept of redeclaration and still I honestly don’t know how to fix this.
Hi bcworkz, so I actually found an example script that I want to run past you two and see if I am on the right track here with regards to localization. I am beginning to understand the concept, but just hoping that I am looking into the right way to do it if I implement something based on the following example:
<?php // Step 1: Enqueue the script in the shortcode function function my_shortcode_function($atts) { wp_enqueue_script('my-script'); // Step 2: Localize the script to pass data from PHP to JavaScript wp_localize_script( 'my-script', 'my_shortcode_data', array( 'items' => $items, // An array of items to be passed to the script ) ); // Step 3: Output the HTML for the shortcode ob_start(); ?> <div class="my-shortcode"> <ul> <?php foreach ($items as $item): ?> <li><?php echo esc_html($item); ?></li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul> </div> <?php return ob_get_clean(); } add_shortcode('my_shortcode', 'my_shortcode_function'); Then, in your JavaScript file, you can access the my_shortcode_data object to access the items array. For example: // Step 4: Use the data in the script console.log(my_shortcode_data.items); // Outputs the array of items
Jay, thank you so much for your reply. I am having a hard time following your directives and implementing it into my code, I’m not really sure where everything is supposed to go and just got critical errors all around. I tried to use “local” in front of my function and also got an error. I’m just not sure what local even is. Is this kind of what you meant – however, it gives me a critical error:
function devgirl_countdown_clock_function($atts = '', $content = null) { $value = shortcode_atts( array( 'time' => "5 December 2023 8:00", 'end-notice' => "Countdown Ended", 'clock-colour' => "#011c25", 'text-colour' => "DarkTurquoise", ), $atts, 'devgirl_countdown_clock_function' ); $time = sanitize_text_field($value['time']); $end_notice = sanitize_text_field($value['end-notice']); $clock_colour = sanitize_text_field($value['clock-colour']); $text_colour = sanitize_text_field($value['text-colour']); { ?> <h2 class="end-notice"></h2> <div class="devgirl-countdown-clock"> <?php if ( ! function_exists( 'countdownBlocks' ) ) { local function countdownBlocks($clock_colour, $text_colour, $date_value, $date_value_title) { ?> <div class="countdown-block" style="background:<?php echo esc_html($clock_colour); ?>; color:<?php echo esc_html($text_colour); ?>"> <div class="clock <?php echo esc_html($date_value); ?>-clock-value"></div> <div class="text"><?php echo esc_html($date_value_title); ?></div> </div><!---countdown-block--> <div class="separators">:</div> <?php } countdownBlocks($clock_colour, $text_colour, 'days', 'Days'); countdownBlocks($clock_colour, $text_colour, 'hours', 'Hours'); countdownBlocks($clock_colour, $text_colour, 'mins', 'Mins'); countdownBlocks($clock_colour, $text_colour, 'secs', 'Secs'); } else { echo 'The function name already exists and cannot be run. Plese check all your plugins function names to find the conflict.'; } ?> </div><!---devgirl-countdown-clock--> <script type="text/javascript"> // Set the date we're counting down to const countDownDate = new Date('<?php echo esc_html($time); ?>').getTime(); // Update the count down every 1 second local x = setInterval(function() { // Get today's date and time let now = new Date().getTime(); // Find the distance between now and the count down date let distance = countDownDate - now; // Time calculations for days, hours, minutes and seconds let days = Math.floor(distance / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); let hours = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60)); let minutes = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60)); let seconds = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60)) / 1000); // Output the result in an element with id="demo" document.querySelector('.devgirl-countdown-clock').style.display = 'flex'; document.querySelector('.days-clock-value').innerHTML = days; document.querySelector('.hours-clock-value').innerHTML = hours; document.querySelector('.mins-clock-value').innerHTML = minutes; document.querySelector('.secs-clock-value').innerHTML = seconds; // If the count down is over, write some text if (distance < 0) { clearInterval(x); document.querySelector("h2.end-notice").textContent = '<?php echo esc_html($end_notice); ?>'; document.querySelector('.devgirl-countdown-clock').style.display = 'none'; } }, 1000); </script> <?php } } //END devgirl_countdown_clock_function add_shortcode('devgirl-countdown-clock', 'devgirl_countdown_clock_function');
I’m sorry, I’m just really new to all this so my understanding is limited to basics.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: New to responsive webdesignJust use a visual editor plugin. There are many free ones available, like Elementor.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Five Star Restaurant Menu and Food Ordering] Shortcode for menu sectionsHi NateWr, thanks for getting back to me so quick, appreciate your response. Let me know if you ever do add this functionality to your plugin.
so, I had the same issue – I don’t know what is wrong with the plug in, but what i could do was log into my WordPress using another computer. I did that and deleted the plugin.
I think that the plugin logs you out of your wordpress on your computer – maybe for a set amount of time – but after I accessed the account from another computer – it worked again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email newsletter] Including imagesok, I figured this out – you need to upload it to your media on WordPress first, and then add it to a post and then copy that link. The image doesn’t show unless you add width and height.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Email newsletter] Does not email site usersIt does email registered site users. i have just downloaded the plugin and it has that functionality.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter - Send awesome emails from WordPress] Can't send newsletterI got it to work – when you are still in the editing newsletter window – at the top their are a few options: save, save and test, send, save and switch to HTML source editor – click SEND.
THEN go to Newsletters and Trigger the delivery engine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Newsletter - Send awesome emails from WordPress] maybe im not doing it rightHow did you get it to work? I have the same problem
ok … I’m sorry!!!! Ignore what i said – it is working!!!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Twenty ten – making mobileok, i kind of figured it out – it’s one of these that was the problem: #access .menu-header,,
#wrapperForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to separate Wrapper and footerThat’s great!