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  • Thread Starter elena18


    Thanks @shameemreza for the suggestion. I will dig into it. Another possible solution was to create a custom coupon to be applied when needed

    Thread Starter elena18


    Thanks very much to both of you! I didn’t know that. I am pretty new to develop a custom plugin and, for some points, such as the REST API, I am putting together information found in forums. Actually I did succeeded to save a csv file, if data were sent through a normal $_POST request.

    Then I developed an ajax to handle checkboxes (to be able to select single rows) that were used either for deleting (see my previous posts on this forum) or exporting data and I thought I could use the same API structure, but obviously I cannot.

    Thread Starter elena18


    Yes you probably are right. I found in some forums/tutorials the fetch api and wanted to try it, but it seems really not working very well. I am sure there’s something I am missing in my whole code that gives the error, as I am totally new to develop a plugin structure. In the front end of the plugin I am using a normal ajax and it works fine. So I guess I will take your advise!!

    Thanks a lot

    Thread Starter elena18


    Thanks very much. I see the point. I added the leading slash to my $route as follows

    public function register_delete_entries_endpoint() {
    			$namespace = 'sight-form-tethys/v1';
    			$route = '/delete_entries_ajax';
    			register_rest_route($namespace, $route, array(
    				'methods' => 'POST',
    				'callback' =>[$this,'delete_entries_rest_api_callback'],
    				'permission_callback' => [$this, 'delete_entries_rest_api_permissions_check'],

    However the problem is not solved. I checked in many other forums and the whole code seems correct. I have no ideas why this is happening

    Thread Starter elena18


    action is given by the function

        $('#delete_selected').on('click', function() {
            var selectedEntries = [];
            $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').each(function() {
                var entryId = $(this).attr('name');   
            handleAjax('delete_entries_ajax', selectedEntries);

    so action = delete_entries_ajax

    If I console.log

    var customEndpointUrl = '/wp-json/sight-form-tethys/v1/' + action;

    I have


    I am not sure what you mean about adding a leading / in $route. I checked the address https://localhost/mysite/wp-json and the route is registered correctly

    Thread Starter elena18


    Thanks for your help. I found the mistake in my callback function. The working function is as follows (for future reference). I was messing up with the way to handle the variable $params and $files_data

    	public function register_data_function($data){
    		$params = $data->get_params();
    		$files_data = $data->get_file_params();
    		parse_str($params['form_data'], $form_data_array);
    		$wp_nonce = $form_data_array['_wpnonce'];
    			if(!wp_verify_nonce($wp_nonce, 'wp_rest')){
    				return new WP_Rest_Response(array('message' => 'You are not allowed'), 401);	
    			if(!empty($files_data['file-input']['name'][0])) {
    				//check for a folder where to store images
    				global $wp_filesystem;
    				// It is a WordPress core file, that's why we manually include it 
    				require_once ( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php' );	
    				//Just instantiate as follows 
    				$files_folder = WP_CONTENT_DIR .'/sighting-form-images';
    					mkdir($files_folder, 0755, true);
    				$uploaded_files = [];
    					// Iterate over each file input field
    					foreach ($files_data as $file_input) {
    						// Iterate over each file in the input field
    						foreach ($file_input['tmp_name'] as $index => $tmp_name) {
    							// Validate file type (ensure it's an image)
    							$mime_type = mime_content_type($tmp_name);
    							$file_type = sanitize_mime_type($mime_type);
    							if (strpos($file_type, 'image') === false) {
    								// If the file is not an image, skip it and return an error response
    								return new WP_Rest_Response(array('message' => 'Only image files are allowed'), 400);
    							// Construct unique file path (append index to filename if necessary)
    							$file_name = sanitize_file_name($file_input['name'][$index]);
    							$file_extension = pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
    							$file_base_name = pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
    							$counter = 0;
    							$new_file_name = $file_name;
    							while (file_exists($files_folder . '/' . $new_file_name)) {
    								$new_file_name = $file_base_name . '_' . $counter . '.' . $file_extension;
    							$file_path = $files_folder . '/' . $new_file_name;
    							// Move the uploaded file to the destination folder
    							if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $file_path)) {
    								// File moved successfully
    								$file_url = site_url('/wp-content/sighting-form-images/') . $new_file_name;
    								//$uploaded_files[] = $file_path;
    								$uploaded_files[] = $file_url; 
    							} else {
    								// Error handling if file move fails
    								return new WP_Rest_Response(array('message' => 'Failed to move file'), 500);
    					$fileUrl = implode('; ', $uploaded_files);
    			else { 
    				$fileUrl ='';
    		//I unset the parameters I don't need in the response
    		global $wpdb;
    		$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'sight_form_data';
    		$data_array = array(
    			'first_name' => sanitize_text_field($form_data_array['first_name']),
    			'last_name' => sanitize_text_field($form_data_array['last_name']),
    			'country' => sanitize_text_field($form_data_array['country']),
    			'email' => sanitize_email($form_data_array['email']),
    			'phone' => sanitize_text_field($form_data_array['phone']),
    			'date_sighting' => preg_replace("([^0-9/])", "", $form_data_array['date_sighting']),
    			'time_sighting' => preg_replace("([^0-9/])", "", $form_data_array['time_sighting']),
    			'species' => sanitize_text_field($form_data_array['species']),
    			'confidence' => sanitize_text_field($form_data_array['confidence']),
    			'latitude' => (float)($form_data_array['latitude']),
    			'longitude' => (float)($form_data_array['longitude']),
    			'n_animals' => sanitize_text_field($form_data_array['n_animals']),
    			'offsprings' => sanitize_text_field($form_data_array['offsprings']),
    			'sea_state' => sanitize_text_field($form_data_array['sea_state']),
    			'video_url' => sanitize_text_field($form_data_array['video_url']),
    			'contact' => sanitize_text_field($form_data_array['contact']),
    			'consent' => sanitize_text_field($form_data_array['consent_privacy']),
    			'fileUrl' => sanitize_text_field($fileUrl)
    		$result = $wpdb->insert($table_name, $data_array);
    		// Check for errors
    		if ($result === false) {
    			// There was an error inserting data, print out the error for debugging
    			return new WP_Rest_Response(array('Error saving data'), 200);
    	return new WP_Rest_Response(array('Your form has been submitted succesfully'), 200);			

    I also simplified the ajax call, by sendig only data:ajaxFiles as follows:

    //Function to send form to rest_api
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                var form = $(this);
                formParam = form.serialize();
                var ajaxFiles = new FormData(this);
             // Listen for file selection change event
             $('#file-input').on('change', function() {
                // Get the drop area element
                var dropArea = document.getElementById('drop-area');
                // Prevent default behavior when files are dragged over the drop area
                dropArea.addEventListener('dragover', function(e) {
                }, false);
                // Handle dropped files
                dropArea.addEventListener('drop', function(e) {
                }, false);
                // Function to handle files
                function handleFiles(files) {
                    // Loop through files
                    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                        var file = files[i];                    
                        ajaxFiles.append('file-input[]', file); // Append each file to FormData
               // Append form data to FormData
                ajaxFiles.append('form_data', formParam);
                    // Check if any files are uploaded
                    var filesUploaded = false;
                    for (var pair of ajaxFiles.entries()) {
                        if (pair[0] === 'file-input[]' && pair[1].name) {
                            filesUploaded = true;
                        url:"<?php echo get_rest_url(null, 'sight-form-tethys/v1/register_data'); ?>",
                        type: "POST",
                        data: ajaxFiles,
                        processData: false,
                        contentType: false,
                        success: function(res) {
                            //grabbing the response as res uses the WP_Rest_Response written in the handler of the rest api
                        error: function() {
                            $("#form-error").html("There was an error submitting your form").fadeIn();
    Thread Starter elena18


    Thanks both @alanfuller and @alessandro12. I used this morning file_put_contents to see immediately what was happening, and it works but it is a sort of pain. I will follow also the suggestions by @alanfuller, or at least try to (I have to study the wp.apiFetch which I didn’t know).

    I’ll come back later on the code and the main question, if I still face problems with the code, or I will write the solution if I find it, that may be helpful for somebody else

    Thread Starter elena18


    Thanks @alanfuller I tried to comment that part, but still have an error, although the API is not more giving a 400 error. I suspect that the logic of the function register_data_function($data) is not correct, when intercepting data coming from the ajax call.

    My difficulty is to debug the code step by step, as var_dump is not shown.

    Thread Starter elena18


    I found the solution. Here the code (working)

    add_shortcode('post-counter', 'get_current_post_num');
    function get_current_post_num() {
      $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
      $curr_post_id = url_to_postid( "".$url ); //Too early for $post object
      $taxonomy = 'portfolio_entries';
      $term_objs = get_the_terms( $curr_post_id->ID, $taxonomy );
      foreach ($term_objs as $term_obj)
                   $term_ids = $term_obj->term_id; // get the id from the WP_Term object
      $args = array(
          'post_type' => 'portfolio',
          'post_status' => 'publish',
          'tax_query' => array(
              'taxonomy' => 'portfolio_entries',
              'terms'    => $term_ids,
          'order'=> 'ASC',
          'posts_per_page' => -1
      $portfolio_posts = new WP_Query($args);
      if ($portfolio_posts->have_posts()):
        echo 'true';
          $total_posts = $portfolio_posts->found_posts;
          $num = 1;
          while ($portfolio_posts->have_posts()) : $portfolio_posts->the_post();
          $post_id = get_the_ID();
          if ($post_id === $curr_post_id) {
              $output= '<div class="count">'. $num . '/' . $total_posts .'</div>';
          } else {
    return $output;

    Thread Starter elena18


    @bcworkz posts have just 1 category.

    I just used the correct function (the one above did not work) as follows

    $category = get_the_category( $curr_post_id->ID);

    It works perfectly (it gives an array with the category), but only if I am in a single blog post.

    However (I am using the Enfold theme) I must apply this function in the single portfolio items, where the array $category comes out empty. I presume that I should go through the terms, as the portfolio item in Enfold is a custom post type (the support is not really of help). But I am not such an expert and I didn’t find a proper solution yet

    Thread Starter elena18


    Thanks @bcworkz. I went on digging into the problem and I am almost there. However I still don’t understand hot to retrieve the category number when I know the post_ID.

    So here’s my working code

    Here is my code that output n/tot. Unfortunately the “tot” corresponds to all posts (disregarding their category). Since the posts have a single category, I want to have the “tot” posts for the category they are tagged with.

    The code is used with a shortcode so that I can insert it in a specific place of the page

    add_shortcode('test-count-post', 'get_current_post_num');
    function get_current_post_num() {
        $curr_post_id = url_to_postid( "https://".$url )
      $args = array(
          'post_type' => 'portfolio',
          'post_status' => 'publish',
          'order'=> 'ASC',
          'posts_per_page' => -1
      $portfolio_posts = new WP_Query($args);
      if ($portfolio_posts->have_posts()):
          $total_posts = $portfolio_posts->found_posts;
          $num = 1;
          while ($portfolio_posts->have_posts()) : $portfolio_posts->the_post();
          $post_id = get_the_ID();
          if ($post_id === $curr_post_id) {
              $output= $num . '/' . $total_posts;
          } else {
    return $output;

    For example, I have 3 posts and the output on post 1 is “1/3”. The output on the second published post is “2/3” etc. Of my test posts, the first 2 have category “xx” and the last one has category “yy”
    So I would like to show, when I am in post 1, “1/2”, while when I am on post 3 -> “1/1”

    To do so I tried to add to my function the following code on line 5 (just after having grabbed the postID)

    $category = get_the_category( $curr_post_id);

    but the var_dump gives me an empty array (while I am expecting the ID of the applied category to that specific post). Later I was planning to add the variable $category to the array of $args, in order to retrieve only the posts within that specific category.

    So my question is: why the $category array appears as empty?

    Thread Starter elena18


    Hi @yithemes, thanks for the answer. That’s exactly the settings, as I want the wishlist to be accessible only by logged in customers.

    Actually I am using a Premium version borrowed from a colleague, as I wanted to check how it worked. Then if everything is ok, I would subscribe for a Premium Version to Yithems, as the site is for a client.

    If you say that in the next update Yithems fixes this problem, then I would be glad to go on with your plugin.



    Thread Starter elena18


    Thank you very much!
    The link to the wishlist page is

    However the site is planned to get teh wishlist only if you are logged in. So you should create a new account to try it. Otherwise I can give you an account, but in a private message


    Hi @yithemes concerning sharing problems, could you please help me with my question?

    Thank you very much

    Thread Starter elena18


    Hi @yithemes could you pelase check my question and tell me what’s wrong? Thank you very much

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