Forum Replies Created
Sorry – the version numbers are for the plugin (I think it’s at 3.0.2 in release now, which is interesting given the WP version).
The 2.5 version of the plugin had a CSS file. That has been removed from the 3.x version of the plugin. You can go get the older version of the plugin from the WordPress site. Unzip that kit and extract the .css file that is inside. Copy the content of that file to the pasteboard, then open up the style.css file for your theme in the Theme editor in the administration pages. Paste the file content at the end of the style.css file. Update the file and try reloading your site (use shift + the reload button). You should see the same thing you did with the older 2.5 version of the plugin.
Didn’t know your skill level and wrote that quickly, hope this is clearer.
Questions? Ask some more! Thanks! – Bob
The version 3.0.x code no longer includes CSS to make it look “pretty.” You could take the 2.5.x kit, edit the .css file that’s included and paste the content at the end of your theme’s style.css file; that should make it look like it did before.
– Bob
Thanks, yes, 2.5.1 works!
I’m using W3 Total Cache to minify and in some cases aggregate CSS and JavaScript files to reduce the number and size downloaded to speed up page loading.
Thanks! – Bob
I’ve updated again, and I’ll leave it there for a while til I see you’ve commented back (the widget is in the sidebar near the top). The site URL is https://www.alephnaught.com/Blog.
Thanks very much! – Bob
And now it appears to be working for me – I had to remove the widget from the sidebar and add it again, deactivating and reactivating wasn’t enough.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] feature requestCould we get support for ordering minified files please?
Could we get the option to select specific users that don’t get zipped pages instead of an all or nothing choice?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Tweetbacks] call_user_func_array warning messageAnd I have a fix….
The code to try to only create the admin class once doesn’t work right, so comment out the line:
if ( is_admin() && ! class_exists( 'Tweetbacks_Admin' ) ) {
and also the last line below (the previous endif included to help guide you to the right line:
} // end class Tweetbacks_Admin } //endif
and I believe the error will go away. Don’t know if we’ll see a slow memory leak or not, just starting to test the longer term affects now.
Thanks! – Bob
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Error message from tweetbacks when inserting picture in WPAnd I have a fix….
The code to try to only create the admin class once doesn’t work right, so comment out the line:
if ( is_admin() && ! class_exists( ‘Tweetbacks_Admin’ ) ) {
and also the last line below (the previous endif included to help guide you to the right line:
} // end class Tweetbacks_Admin
} //endif
and I believe the error will go away. Don’t know if we’ll see a slow memory leak or not, just starting to test the longer term affects now.
Thanks! – Bob
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to fix time of daily digest for twitter tools ?I got an extra day off from work (a four day weekend!) and spent some time working on this bug. I believe I have a patch that fixes the problem; this patch makes sure the date for tweets in the database is timezone-corrected, based on the timezone set in WordPress; it would be better to fix all the comparisons to work with UTC time, but that’s much more complicated and this solution is dead simple.
Here’s the patch:
*** twitter-tools.php.0 Sun Apr 13 20:07:12 2008 --- twitter-tools.php Thu Jul 3 13:06:44 2008 *************** *** 401,406 **** --- 401,409 ---- function add() { global $wpdb, $aktt; + // RLH: The next line corrects Twitter's UTC to WordPress timezone setting + $this->tw_created_at = $this->tw_created_at + (get_option('gmt_offset') * 3600); + // RLH: End changes $wpdb->query(" INSERT INTO $wpdb->aktt *************** *** 1353,1358 **** --- 1356,1364 ---- { $now = time(); + // RLH: Must shift "now" back to proper timezone to match WordPress + $now = $now + + (get_option('gmt_offset') * 3600); + // RLH: End changes $time = gmmktime( substr($date, 11, 2)
You must apply this patch to the 1.2b1 version of twitter tools.
Thanks and have fun! – Bob
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to fix time of daily digest for twitter tools ?Me too – the code has a bug in it in that it assumes Twitter returns the post date in local time, which apparently isn’t true, but the database comparison does use local time. It would be nice to get this one fixed as I suspect there may be missing tweets…
Thanks and have fun! – Bob
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: get_day_link from a theme’s index.php page not working for meI see your confusion – the part I’m having trouble with got clipped from my initial post:
<a href="<?php get_day_link((int)the_time('Y'), (int)the_time('m'), (int)the_time('j')); ?>">
The problem is with the get_day_link call.
Thanks and have fun! – Bob
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: get_day_link from a theme’s index.php page not working for meMore info…
When I modify the code to something like:
<?php $url = get_day_link(…); ?>
<href a=”<?php echo $url; ?>I get:
https://www.alephnaght.com/Blog/Which I don’t get at all.
The calendar widget just calle get_day_url() and returns a URL of the form:
That ?m= is missing in all my returns – what’s up?
Thanks! – Bob