Sorry for coming back again!
The translation of user rolls into German is done by locale. So I have to live with this.
The behavior of the “refresh” in the backend and in the frontend differ! I give an example:
(1) The list’s definition in backend is as
Field name Link type Include
---------- --------- --------
First name edit user (empty)
First Role keine (=non) Abonnent (=subscriber)
When I click at “Rebuild cache now” the expected result is shown.
(2) In the frontend the list is shown as
First name First role
---------- ----------
André Abonnent
Bernd Abonnent
After clicking at the “Refresh Cache” icon the list is empty (No line found). I agree the problem is the translation. However, it seems in the frontend the label is used in query instead of the value. Can you help please? Thank you! Greetings