Forum Replies Created
I counted automatic responder emails and I analysed them:
1. auto responder emails are NOT twice. so my emails are NOT sent twice. good!
2. they are in sum not about 260 but 205, so NOT all emails were delivered, less that with thunderbird mail merge.Result: “6700 email sent” is wrong. even only about 2900 emails out of 3300 reached the target. A shameful result. I even resent emails “not received” a second time. So I try with 1/2 second delay between every email in future – like thunderbird does it automatically with “mail merge” addon and EVERY mail reaches the target. BTW the server that sends the email is the same. Maybe my provider sends emails differently when I use thunderbird on my desktop PC. But I want to test the delay of 1/2 second between emails.
Once again: where are the emailssaved in database tables
when they are scheduled to be sent future? – I want to extract the emails, then send these persons individual emails, send paper sheeds, call them, etc. I can make a dump of database, then make a diff between database with and without schedules emails. But you already know it, and you can tell it me. I’ve purchased PRO version.
YEs, works, thank you. You can close.
Yes, you are right! Name (first and last) is overwritten if list is another one. I just tested. Thats what I want, too, I don’t want that users can subscribe same list again and again. So I can insert the code again that I deleted underneath of:
“$contact_lists = ES()->lists_contacts_db->get_list_ids_by_contact( $contact_id, ‘subscribed’ );”
Thank you !! ??
I tested: now claims that email already exists and I can’t overwrite either! An even worse: User can’t subscribe any other list! Your customers will get problems with that feature, I think! – Did you test it?
@i think I forgot to protocol and mention here, that I also deleted that code in class-es-handle-subscription.php :
$contact_lists = ES()->lists_contacts_db->get_list_ids_by_contact( $contact_id, 'subscribed' ); if ( empt4y( array_diff( $this->list_ids, $contact_lists ) ) ) { $response['message'] = 'es_email_exists_notice'; $response = $this->do_response( $response ); if ( $doing_ajax ) { wp_send_json( $response ); } else { return $response; } }
furthermore all except first line. Now no error message that email already exists and firstname and lastname can overwritten ?? works!! ??
Thank you for update! I also substituted again ” > 50″ by ” > 300″ in same php file.
I just detected “has opened and clicked” and “has opened and not clicked”. Can you add here a option “copy matching addresses to list X” (List selectable, or new list). Thats no big job for you, right? Its just one further tagging. Then I can see who has clicked and e.g. phone this person, send paper ads, …. (I my case I know most offices where the email belongs to.)
At the moment I have only the possibility to make a new campaign, send email scheduled to the future somewhen, then to detect somewhere in database the queued email, extract them and cancel the campaign. Can you help me how I can extract the email addresses of a queued campaign now?
PS: next step would be, that I can bind a certain (new) listXY to a link if clicked. Then new lists are generated automatically. “Lists” can be called “tags”, too! So link tracking can tag leads. A simple addon for your plugin, right? No increase of complexity, just a new option that makes your plugin more professional.
But besides such small obstacles, the software is good!! Seems to work. Not yet tested in “real life”! I have PRO version.
Thank you!!
BTW: I use the field “name” to get information from potential customer when he has time for a webinar. Because first_name and last_name have only 50 chars in database, I increased to 300 chars each and set limit in code for error to “… > 300” . Works! ??I think its not big work for you to insert a further field “info” (in PRO version?) with 300 chars length for that for a update in future.
thank you so much!! works! ??
@text-transform; “none” is better. So uppercase letters in a word are preserved:
text-transform: none !important;
And have you a css example to make button bigger, the edges round, and perhaps insert a color gradient?
I’ll buy a PRO license now …
Works!! Thank you for fast answer/ help! ??
Works! Thank you for fast answer!! ??
@more precise: eyes become tired when switching between normal and inverse
Thank you so much ?? Works partially!
There are still “returns” in view “day” and “week”, appointment information, name and email, has to be in ONE line:
solved: addon “Schedude Calendar Contents Customization” makes that, in title with: %email%, %fieldname3% .
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: buttons: change text-transform to “non”, no uppercaseThe hack works only for special buttons, why not for all?
.wp-block-button__link strong em { text-transform:none !important; }
look here: Why second button not affected? What can I do, that all buttons are affected by the css hack?
I configured second button as yellow button with black font. Why is second button white?
I can only reproduce second button, not the first. Whats the magic with first button???perhaps a new WP-version disabled that hack.
Somebody here has a idea?
BTW: prevent uppercase for h5 still works:
h5 {
? ?text-transform:none !important;