5 years, 1 month ago
I am having the same problem how did yhou fix this?
5 years, 5 months ago
Okay thanks,
If it is a plugin causing the issue will the orders automatically populate once it has been deactivated?
Also i see my theme has been updated, specifically to the cart… could this possibly be the reason?
This is what my dashboard looks like
nothing since oct 2
I installed a plugin wcfm around the same time the orders stopped working but i have since deactivated and deleted. Don’t know if this could have caused issues but just to give a clue as to whats happening.
So strange, the orders are appearing in db
Thank you for replying
Here is a screenshot of the admin order view
I tried to create a ‘vendor admin’ but i could not see an option. Just ‘vendor’.
I have just checked database and the orders are appearing there but just not in my admin