Problem solved:
I’ve checked my upload files settings and they were set to default. I also activated the theme and now the images did list (see image 2).
image 2
So I digged into my themes functions.php.
It had to do with my custom post type ‘projecten’. This line had some kind of conflict with wordpress that kept it from showing the images:
register_taxonomy("Type", array("projecten"), array("hierarchical" => true, "label" => "Types", "singular_label" => "Type", "rewrite" => true));
I guess Type is a value I’d better not use in my functions.php. I’ve changed it to:
register_taxonomy("projecttypes", array("projecten"), array("hierarchical" => true, "label" => "Projecttypes", "singular_label" => "Projecttype", "rewrite" => true));