20 years, 6 months ago
Hello? I would really like help with this one: Line 243, column 14: document type does not allow element “li” here; missing one of “ul”, “ol”, “menu”, “dir” start-tag <li id=”stuff”>Stuff:
I have exactly 8 errors now LOL
yea, I was thinking about changing it…
oh, thank gawd, I thought I was losing my mind! Thank you so much ??
What I dont get, is that the one background is working… but the header wont ??
yea, I already tried doing the full path thing lol
I think I fixed it myself…
yea, do you know what those errors are, or how I could fix them???
anyone know???
yes, I have uploaded and activated it… I got it from here: ok, I will try that with the gravatar…
I have another hack question also… when using that…. where do you put the php? In wp-comments.php?
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_post_count() in /home/pk/public_html/erica/index.php on line 147