12 years ago
Try it:
To create a paragraph you don’t need use the p tag. You only must press enter. But work with div in the WordPress editor is hard. You must test alternating to the Visual and HTML tab to see the result.
I don’t know a ready manner to do it. But do you think in register users or not?
Remove the () after $content.
You are calling the function of wrong way. Can you post the php code of the homePageTemplate.php until the line 7?
Read it:
You must put yours functions in the functions.php file. Attention with strip a html in words. Maybe a tag can be opened and not closed.
In the header. Inner the body tag.
Yes. You can accept only request of the domain two.
Were you read about post types?
It’s added by a javascript file. If you disable the javascript, it don’t occur. You must looking for the file that do it.
Put here the php code inner the <div class=”banner-content”>.
I think that this problem isn’t in the WordPress. Maybe a wrong server configuration.
In this manner the link always will appear. You need use the function edit_link or so remove the link.
Try deactivate all plugins. Can be a behaviour of one of them.