Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields: Extended] Spanish translateHello,
Thanks for your help and faster answers.
Best regards.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields: Extended] Spanish translateHello Konrad,
Thanks for your answer. I meant that the es.po file is not in the zip file. How can i get it?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Redsys Gateway Light] woocommerce_redsys_args filterHola, me sirve. Funciona perfectamente.
Muchas gracias!!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Redsys Gateway Light] woocommerce_redsys_args filterHola, ?Son estos hooks que tienes en tu página?
add_filter( 'redsys_modify_data_to_send', 'datos_modificados_pasarela_pago_en_redsys' ); // Filtro para ?Redsys redirección (por Jose Conti)?
add_filter( 'bizum_modify_data_to_send', 'datos_modificados_pasarela_pago_en_redsys' ); // Filtro para ?Bizum (por Jose Conti)?Gracias, un saludo.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Redsys Gateway Light] woocommerce_redsys_args filterHola, José:
Gracias por la rápida respuesta. Por lo que me dices, en el premium se podría hacer lo que estoy intentando. Modificar la descripción y que se pueda ver la descripción modificada en la plataforma de RedSys cuando se consultan los pedidos. De ser así, voy a proponer la compra del plugin, si tengo alguna duda consultaré en el soporte de Woocommerce.
Gracias de nuevo y un saludo,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Redsys Gateway Light] Dos pagos admitidos para el mismo pedidoHola:
Ok, ahora lo comprendo. Se han generado dos pagos en paralelo. El motivo es que son inscripciones para ni?os que se abren a una determinada hora y tienen alta demanda. Me imagino que los padres han hecho el pedido, cada uno por su lado, a la hora que se abrían las inscripciones.
Gracias por la ayuda y enhorabuena por el plugin.
Un saludo
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Redsys Gateway Light] Dos pagos admitidos para el mismo pedidoHola:
La situación fue la siguiente, sesión abierta del mismo usuario en dos dispositivos diferentes, hicieron el pago con dos tarjetas diferentes. En Woocommerce/pedidos solo aparece un pago. En el banco aparecen los dos pagos cambiando los tres primeros dígitos del pedido, que es lo que genera woocommerce cuando el pago es fallido. En este caso el pago no fue fallido. Estos son los registros de esos pedidos. Las XXX sustituyen a los datos personales, si ves algo que no tiene que ser público, me lo comentas por favor. Gracias, un saludo
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - PSD2 activado
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - $psd2: {"addrMatch":"XXX","billAddrCity":"XXXXX","billAddrLine1":"XXXXX","billAddrPostCode":"XXXXX","email":"XXXX","acctInfo":{"chAccAgeInd":"XX","chAccDate":"XXXX","chAccChange":"XXXXX","chAccChangeInd":"XX","nbPurchaseAccount":"X","txnActivityDay":"X","txnActivityYear":"X"},"homePhone":{"subscriber":"XXXXX","cc":"XX"},"shipAddrCity":"XXXXX","shipAddrLine1":"XXXXX","shipAddrPostCode":"XXXX"}
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - Generating payment form for order UCCI13-29807. Sent data: Array
[Ds_SignatureVersion] => HMAC_SHA256_V1
[Ds_MerchantParameters] => XXXX/XXXXX==
[Ds_Signature] => XXXXX
) 10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - Helping to understand the encrypted code:
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - DS_MERCHANT_AMOUNT: 500
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - DS_MERCHANT_ORDER: 702000029807
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE: 036304442
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - DS_MERCHANT_CURRENCY: 978
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - DS_MERCHANT_TRANSACTIONTYPE: 0
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - DS_MERCHANT_TERMINAL: 001
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTURL: XXXXX
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - DS_MERCHANT_URLOK: XXXXX
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - DS_MERCHANT_URLKO: XXXXX
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - DS_MERCHANT_CONSUMERLANGUAGE: 001
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - DS_MERCHANT_PRODUCTDESCRIPTION: Pedido UCCI13-29807
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - DS_MERCHANT_PAYMETHODS: C
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:22 - DS_MERCHANT_MODULE: WooCommerce_Redsys_Gateway_Light_5.2.2_www.remarpro.com
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - NOT Using LWV
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - PSD2 activado
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - $psd2: {"addrMatch":"Y","billAddrCity":"XXXXX","billAddrLine1":"XXXX","billAddrPostCode":"XXXX","email":"XXXXX","acctInfo":{"chAccAgeInd":"XX","chAccDate":"XXXX","chAccChange":"XXXX","chAccChangeInd":"XX","nbPurchaseAccount":"X","txnActivityDay":"X","txnActivityYear":"X"},"homePhone":{"subscriber":"XXXXXX","cc":"XX"},"shipAddrCity":"XXXXX","shipAddrLine1":"XXXXXX","shipAddrPostCode":"XXXXXX"}
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - Generating payment form for order UCCI13-29807. Sent data: Array
[Ds_SignatureVersion] => HMAC_SHA256_V1
[Ds_MerchantParameters] => XXXX/==
[Ds_Signature] => XXXXX=
) 10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - Helping to understand the encrypted code:
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - DS_MERCHANT_AMOUNT: 500
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - DS_MERCHANT_ORDER: 316000029807
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE: 036304442
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - DS_MERCHANT_CURRENCY: 978
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - DS_MERCHANT_TRANSACTIONTYPE: 0
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - DS_MERCHANT_TERMINAL: 001
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTURL: XXXX
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - DS_MERCHANT_URLOK: XXXXX
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - DS_MERCHANT_URLKO: XXXXX
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - DS_MERCHANT_CONSUMERLANGUAGE: 001
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - DS_MERCHANT_PRODUCTDESCRIPTION: Pedido UCCI13-29807
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - DS_MERCHANT_PAYMETHODS: C
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:30 - DS_MERCHANT_MODULE: WooCommerce_Redsys_Gateway_Light_5.2.2_www.remarpro.com
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 - HTTP Notification received: Array
[Ds_SignatureVersion] => HMAC_SHA256_V1
[Ds_MerchantParameters] => XXXXXX
[Ds_Signature] => XXXXX=
) 10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 - Received valid notification from Servired/RedSys
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 - XXXXXX
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 - Checking order $order_id: 29807
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 - Order Exist: 29807
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 - Order Status: pending
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 - $spaid: pending
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 - $status: pending
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 - Ds_Amount: 500, Ds_Order: 702000029807, Ds_MerchantCode: 036304442, Ds_Currency: 978, Ds_Response: 0000, Ds_AuthorisationCode: 284493, $order2: 000029807
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:55 - Order is Paid: FALSE
10-04-2023 @ 11:19:56 - Payment complete.
10-04-2023 @ 11:20:02 - $is_redsys_order: YES
10-04-2023 @ 11:21:45 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:21:45 - NOT Using LWV
10-04-2023 @ 11:21:45 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - HTTP Notification received: Array
[Ds_SignatureVersion] => HMAC_SHA256_V1
[Ds_MerchantParameters] => XXXXXX
[Ds_Signature] => XXXX=
) 10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - Received valid notification from Servired/RedSys
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - XXXXX
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - Checking order $order_id: 29807
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - Order Exist: 29807
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - Order Status: completed
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - $spaid: pending
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - $status: completed
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - $spaid: redsys-pbankt
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - $status: completed
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - $spaid: cancelled
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - $status: completed
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - $spaid: pending-deposit
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - $status: completed
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - Ds_Amount: 500, Ds_Order: 316000029807, Ds_MerchantCode: 036304442, Ds_Currency: 978, Ds_Response: 0000, Ds_AuthorisationCode: 224266, $order2: 000029807
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:43 - Order is Paid: TRUE
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:55 - $is_redsys_order: YES
10-04-2023 @ 11:22:57 - $is_redsys_order: YES
10-04-2023 @ 11:23:33 - $is_redsys_order: YES
10-04-2023 @ 11:41:49 - $is_redsys_order: YES
10-04-2023 @ 11:52:46 -
10-04-2023 @ 11:52:46 - NOT Using LWV
10-04-2023 @ 11:52:46 -Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Redsys Gateway Light] Dos pagos admitidos para el mismo pedidoHola, gracias por la rápida respuesta. ?Qué datos hay que borrar/ocultar del registro para que sea seguro publicarlos aquí?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Complianz - GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent] Page does not load properlyHi Jarno,
Now it seems to work fine, I have changed no configuration, the only thing is deactivate and reactivate all Divi options in Dive/settings/performance
I don’t know if it is relevant.
Thanks for your help and time.
Kind regards,
EdcanuForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Complianz - GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent] Page does not load properlyHi Jarno,
I did it with no positive results. The cache has been cleared in plugin and server
Kind regards,
EdcanuForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Complianz - GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent] Page does not load properlyHi Jarno,
This is the configuration
EdcanuForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Complianz - GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent] Page does not load properlyHi Jarno,
I try it, but the issue is still there.Thanks for your help.
Best regards,
Actually the product name is not shown on cart page at all.
My Website:
Buddyboss Theme 1.6.8
Woocommerce 5.4.1If I deactivate Woobuddy it is shown, if active it is not shown.
the issue starts after Woobuddy 3.3.16 update.
Thanks for your help and great work.- This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by edcanu.