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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugin: rootsPersona]Please leave feedback on rootsPersonaBob, I added a permissions check to the options and upload page, so if there is a missing directory, or a permissions error, it SHOULD flag it in red
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugins: rootsPersona] New evidence panel in 1.2!!!I was just trying to show how to do it – you can do any of them that way now, start from scratch, or do whatever. The key is that the xsl referenced in the shortcode has to be in the custom directory (whereever you put that) . On your way!
Go ahead and post comments about the documentation on my site (don’t bother pointing out the out of date changes, I’ll get to that). what’s missing, what isn’t clear, what needs more detail…
I’ll put the Index enhancement in the next release.
Oh, and I also asked for a review of rootsPersona on YOUR site <wink>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugins: rootsPersona] New evidence panel in 1.2!!!OK Chris, upgrade to 1.4.2
I created a directory: wp-content/myxsl
Then I copied over transformPerson2Page.xsl
I updated the imports in transformPerson2Page.xsl:<xsl:import href="../plugins/rootspersona/xsl/transformFamilyGroup.xsl" /> <xsl:import href="../plugins/rootspersona/xsl/transformAncestors.xsl" /> <xsl:import href="../plugins/rootspersona/xsl/transformPictures.xsl" /> <xsl:import href="../plugins/rootspersona/xsl/transformFacts.xsl" />
Then changed my shortcode:
[rootsPersona personId='i141' xsl='wp-content/myxsl/transformPerson2Page.xsl'/]
The page renders the same as the other pages, as it should.
I had to change some relative paths in the code to fixed paths and convert some path separators, which is why you couldn’t get it to work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugins: rootsPersona] New evidence panel in 1.2!!!Yeah, I knew that part. Unsure of the value
All those shortcodes call the exact same function, just with different names. Then I use the names to decide what panels to hide/show.
I know why personUtility.php is failing when you move the directory – I am using a relative path where I really shouldn’t be. I am addressing the problem now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugins: rootsPersona] New evidence panel in 1.2!!!You definitely need the file name
I would suggest a different name for the file too, to avoid confusion with the stock ones. (Though I am not suggesting that is in any way why your having issues)
I’ll TRY to run a test tonight and come up with a recommendation, but no promises <grin>
I am also adding an option on the tools menus with links to the various utilities (Upload, Index, etc…)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugins: rootsPersona] New evidence panel in 1.2!!!Sorry about that, the one thing I rushed this weekend.
If you update personUtility.php:
} else if($callback == ‘rootspersonafamilyc’) {
} else if($callback == ‘rootspersonafamilys’) {
}I don’t want to rush out the next fix patch level, but I updated the 1.4.1 version again with the fix, hoping you’re the only one who upgraded so far.
As to your import question, I honestly don’t know. I rushed the new attribute so you could play with it, but did not test it. I won’t have time to really play with that probably until this weekend.
I SUSPECT that any imports will have to be relative to where your custom xsl lives. I wouldn’t recommended putting it in the plugins directory, but somewhere under wp-content is probably OK.
So lets say the custom xsl isin wp-content/myxsl. Then you could try
<xsl:import href=”../plugins/rootspersona/xsl/transformFamilyGroup.xsl” />
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugins: rootsPersona] New evidence panel in 1.2!!!Yes, but I assume it has to be a file path, not a URL, but I’m not sure. The original xsl was referenced by path, not url, but I haven’t had a chance to test it for sure.
Try it, let me know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugins: rootsPersona] New evidence panel in 1.2!!!OK, version 1.4.1:
fixes the hideEvidence option problem
adds a check to insure that data directory is writable
adds an option to hide the links at the bottom of the persona pageAND (for Chris) an xsl attribute to the rootsPersona shortcode. If present, it uses the referenced XSL instead of the transformPerson2Page.xsl file. Must be a full path to the xsl. If you wish to use a custom look with it, define a custom page/post template for use with those pages.
Chris,I haven’t tested this, but no reason it shouldn’t work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugins: rootsPersona] New evidence panel in 1.2!!!Chris, just looked at your site. Thanks for the mention.
So, does rootsPersona get a review ;D
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugins: rootsPersona] New evidence panel in 1.2!!!I looked at your GEDMILL.
I’ve struggled a lot with descendency charts – there doesn’t really seem to be such a thing formally, though we have all seen them.
the challenge is that the width, the number of boxes in the lower generations, is not predictable.
Ancestor charts? You have two parents, 4 grandparents, etc…. Thats it.
But children? Lordy some people were prolific.
If you google dependency charts, you find most are numbered lists, displayed vertically, probably for just the reasons I indicated. The others you see are drawn images, calculated positions, etc… I’m not a graphics programmer on the BEST of days – in this case the algorithms required are, well, complex.
Not closed to the idea, but its a real challenge. Open to ideas/suggestions/integrating with open source solutions.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugins: rootsPersona] New evidence panel in 1.2!!!That reminds me, I need to pull more event data from the GEDCOM…
OK, second question first
[rootsPersonFamiyC/] and [rootsPersonaFamilyS/]
Now for the first question –
If I am hearing you right, you want rootsPersona to handle the shortcode logic, but that logic would apply a custom xsl (and custom css, I assume) to retrieve the data from the XML and format the display? Is this what you are looking for?
I think that would be pretty easy, though you and I would probably be the only users.
The current xsl has a lot of logic embedded not just to build the display, but also to establish the relationships, linking the family files and the person files. The person providing the custom xsl would have to recreate that in their own xsl.
Finally, the new links are NOT hideable, but I can fix that easy enough. Currently they only display if you have edit privileges on the page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugins: rootsPersona] New evidence panel in 1.2!!!Thanks Chris – I’ll fix that tonight. I am also going to grey out the System of Record radio since it really doesn’t support anything but No right now. I also want to add checking write permissions during install; seems to be a common issue when first installing the plugin – probably need a popup or something.
Any other assignments? ;D The only other request I remember on the boards is linkage with mapping data, and I’m not quite ready to tackle that yet.
Also, do you know about the documentation at https://ed4becky.net/plugins/rootsPersona? I wrote it this weekend, but need to update it for 1.4.0, and include info on the options page (though I THINK its self explanatory) Any help identifying whats not clear would be appreciated.
I don’t get a lot of HOW DO I questions (except how do I make it work first time ;>) which I hope is testament to ease of use.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugin: rootsPersona]Please leave feedback on rootsPersonaAbsolutely not. It does sound like some sort of windows permissions issue
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugin: rootsPersona]Please leave feedback on rootsPersonaNo, I’m on Win 7 x64 too, so its not a straight compatibility issue, though could still be directory permissions, if the plugin didn’t have permission to create the rootspersonadata directory under wp-content, or if it wasn’t writable afterwards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] [Plugin: rootsPersona]Please leave feedback on rootsPersonaCan you make sure wp-content/rootsPersonaData is writable?
Is this on a windows or unix box?