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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Steps to set up WooCommerce for the first timeI see the shop and product pages – that worked well!
I’m using SnapPay for payment from China; is there a way to also use a processor (like Stripe) that takes Visa/MC, and put both processors on the checkout page?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Steps to set up WooCommerce for the first timePhil, thanks, this helped big time.
I was hoping to put my 3 virtual courses on one page but it pushed me into making 3 product pages, and that’s ok now that I see it.
I decided to make a little image for each course, and I put one onto each page, but there’s still a placeholder image on the left, and my image is on the right under the description/price. How do I move my image to the left?
How do I get the 3 product pages onto my menu? Since they aren’t officially ‘pages’, they aren’t listed anywhere except under ‘products’ so far.
And hopefully last, what is the purpose of the ‘shop’ page? Ahhh… is that where the products go? How?
Thanks again.
Thanks. It was just telling me there was a plugin or two available. Right after I wrote the post, it sent about 20 more reports in rapid succession. A day later, it only sent one, without my changing anything. So I updated and it has sent no more.
The default is still set at once a week, but this and all my other sites get an update report every day till I update, and I’ve never changed the schedule.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce for Payments from ChinaThanks, Zach. The way I read it, if I use the cross-border, I don’t need a mainland bank account, which means I won’t need an Alipay account either. If correct, this is certainly worth looking into.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce for Payments from ChinaThanks again. I have an Alipay account but no Partner ID or Security Code. I can’t actually use the account unless I connect it to a bank account on mainland China. Same with WeChat Pay. And I may not get a bank account any time soon unless I go to China.
But this is progress, I feel like I’m getting closer (after six months!).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce for Payments from ChinaThanks, Zach. I have learned to avoid PayPal if possible, and have also learned that the vast majority of Chinese have never heard of it. There are exceptions. But they all use their homegrown companies.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t correct a post tag capitalizationI have around 30 name tags; all work properly. But on my last post, I used 5 new tags and didn’t capitalize 2 of them. When I went back to change them, I couldn’t. e.g. I want swing bridge to be Swing Bridge.
So the theme and plugins are fine. I just can’t change the spelling of my tags.
If I click on the link on my website, as a test, how can I tell if it’s nofollow or not?
Glad to hear it. However, I didn’t see anything about nofollow in the FAQ, or anything about Gutenberg either. And I can’t read code anyway.
All I want is an open in a new tab and nofollow.
Does it work in the Classic Editor and Gutenberg Block Editor without needing to switch? The theme I use uses Classic for existing default posts, and it changes automatically to Gutenberg for new posts.
Thanks, John,
I downloaded them from your website to my computer, then tried to upload/install them in the normal way, which produced the errors.
Someone elsewhere suggested adding them from the wp-admin dashboard, without downloading, and that worked perfectly.
On a related note, since Gutenberg is built into WP now, do we really need to install a Gutenberg plugin also, to make use of your products?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Blank Slate] Blank Slate plugin unavailable?Thanks, Aaron, that’s exactly what I was doing. Typing in Blank Slate produced no results (on three different tries), but as soon as I started typing blan… it filled in the rest by default, and yours was first! And it works perfectly. Super!
Yes, that’s the way I made them permanent, one by one. Is there a way to make all of them permanent at the same time, with one stroke?
Thanks. Your image ticker looks good; ideal would be to have an image taken from an outside site article, with the headline or short synopsis right underneath it.
I suppose if I can’t have both, just the rss would be more important.
Can I input the sites to pull from, so it’s completely hands-off?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: delete specific pages available for Menu StructureCache purged. Now there are other pages I’ve deleted too, but they’re still in the list. I only move the ones I want into the menu, but these are still taking up space.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: delete specific pages available for Menu StructureThanks, Cyndy, but that doesn’t quite work. I spelled the title of a page wrong, so I had already deleted the actual page, but it’s still there on the left. Right below the correct spelling of the new one.