Forum Replies Created
Hmm, yes I know. But as that option is already unchecked it’s weird that I’m still getting those notifications. And I thought it might have been a Cleantalk setting.
Sure, these kind:
Ah, the single time setting fixed it.
Turned on debug, and turned out a memory problem. Changed the PHP memory setting, and the error is gone. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [VS Event List] Part of events are gone after turning off one date optionI fixed it, apparently by either turning that off, or updating the plugin, the posts per page setting had to be added to the widget to let it show all the upcoming events. Before updating/changing the setting it was already showing everything. So not sure why it happened, but at least it’s fixed now ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [VS Event List] Part of events are gone after turning off one date optionYes I understand, that is why that option was always turned on, as there were no multiday events.
Since turning off that option, multiple events have disappeared without changing them..?
It seems to be fixed!
My cli?nt was using renamed image formats (she manually changes .heic to .jpg) that gave these errors.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Visual Portfolio, Photo Gallery & Post Grid] How to use Saved layouts now?Managed to resolve it!
I have another question though.
How do I add a play button over a video post? Any suggestions for CSS code I could use?
And a future idea/request
Would be nice if in a future update, when using a video post type, it will automatically take a still picture from the video, I know there is a way to do it with YouTube video’s.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Visual Portfolio, Photo Gallery & Post Grid] Style the Emerge items styleThanks, that works.
And what if I want to have less padding/margin above and under the title of the item?Yes I already was thinking that, but if I did that there was still a big space between the image and the meta text. But I fixed that with:
.page-id-345 .vsel-content .vsel-image-left {
}Thanks for your help! This is solved now!
O, only just saw that you already have responded!
3 and 4 are perfect now.
Only just can’t get number 1 like I .vsel-image-info-left {width:50%;}
.page-id-1325 .vsel-meta-right {width:75%;}places the meta on the spot I want it to be, and keeps the images the size I want them to be, but it just seems to push the image down (doesn’t stay on the left side of the meta). Already tried:
.page-id-1325 .vsel-image-info-left {position:relative}
.page-id-1325 .vsel-image-info-left img {position: absolute; top:0px; left:0px;}But that doesn’t work.
OK! Just did!
Thanks for your quick help.
1) I actually like the size of the image, is there a way to get the meta info right aligned next to the image without enlarging the image?
2).vsel-meta span didn’t work, but .vsel-content span did, thanks!
3) That hides all the field names, I just want to hide the ‘Eventbrite’ field name.
4) That doesn’t seem to help; I still have this weird white space (see screenshot) Plugins
In reply to: [VS Event List] Change order of fieldsNo worries, I understand.
But what about order of fields in general?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [VS Event List] Change order of fieldsStill hoping to have the option to show the date first and then the title of the event.. Still no easy solution for that?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF-VC Integrator] File field doesn’t show title of fileAwesome, thanks!