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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: doesn’t repaire databaseHi,
It seems the tables doesn’t exists in the
database, can you manually check if them exists from terminal or some GUI interface like PhpMyAdmin (if it’s already installed it’s generally located in localhost/phpmyadmin)?Can you also share us more infos, like why did you need to repair the database or have you changed your wp-config.php file?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: site loads extremely slow in safari but fine in Firefox and chromeHi,
I noticed that your site has a Spam SEO Injection, my antivirus block it and the Sucuri free scanner confirmed it.
Check this article from Sucuri and remove the injected code.
Then update all plugin and be sure to secure your site removing potential backdoor installed, I suggest you to install some Security plugin like WordFence Security and to make a full scan of your website server. It will identify hacked files, injected backdoors and other problems.Maybe the Safari issue has been related with this infection, let me know when you’ve cleaned your site so I can check for the Safari network issue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500Hi monilmodi,
What is your PHP version? I remember that Slider Revolution is not compatible with PHP 7. Have you tried to deactivate only this one (by renaming the Slider Revolution plugin folder).
Another one thing I suggest you to do is activate the debug logs.
In your wp-config.php set the WP_DEBUG constant to true:define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
This let you see which plugin generates the error and which error is, in order to solve it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t login with long url-redirectedHi xtimedt69,
This problem has been solved also on stackexchange.
I reproduced your problem and you only need to add this line on the bottom of your .htaccess file:RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?wp-admin$ $1wp-admin/ [R=301,L]
Please note that the redirect is cached in your browser, so after you change the .htaccess file you may need to force refresh in the browser ( CTRL+R or CMD+R ) to see the change.
Also try the browser’s incognito mode to avoid your browser’s cache.- This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by eatzeni. Reason: more infos
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: QUICK Question: File-size limit with “Add Media” in regular Post?Uploading the file via FTP is not enough because when WordPress add a Media in the Library it also create rows in the database, and is there that WordPress search for file when you open the media library.
Unfortunately manual adding a file in the media library requires you to add both the file in the FTP and the rows in the database (in the wp_posts and wp_postmeta) tables), so I discourage you to do so.
I hope I was clear.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] WP Super Cache not working – timestamps don't match?I had this issue too and I solved disabling Cloudflare Railgun.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [a3 Lazy Load] How to disable lazy load on specific pagesHi,
I know it’s an old question but I answer hoping I could help someone coming in this thread.
It doesn’t work with this
add_filter( 'a3_lazy_load_run_filter', 'skip_a3_lazy_load_for_this_page', 11 );
because the priority 11, that means the skip_a3_lazy_load_for_this_page functions will be called before the filter added by the plugin, because in the plugin the filter is added without the priority number, that means will be used the default of 10.
For me worked simply removing the priority number from the call ofadd_filter()
add_filter( 'a3_lazy_load_run_filter', 'skip_a3_lazy_load_for_this_page' );
I don’t know if the plugin is compatible with SPDY and HTTP/2.
Good coding everyone
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: QUICK Question: File-size limit with “Add Media” in regular Post?I have a local clean WordPress installation for testing purpose, and there I have 512MB upload limit, and the only thing I edited is my php.ini server configuration file.
Maybe their server doesn’t allow for choice uploads bigger then 64MB, and they’re right saying that it is recommended to upload big files via FTP, because uploading requires a lot of time and it’s highly probable that the scripts runs in timeout (default is 30 seconds).
However, if your web-server can increase the limit you shold see the limit in WordPress increased.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: QUICK Question: File-size limit with “Add Media” in regular Post?Yes.
The server has two configuration variables (upload_max_filesize and post_max_size) in the php.ini (for Apache), they can be set to any values. The past month I set them to 2GB to allow a big database upload.
However it is recommended to keep a low values (64MB or less) to avoid problems.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: QUICK Question: File-size limit with “Add Media” in regular Post?You’re right.
WordPress posts have no attachment’s size limit, you can ideally attach GB of files to your post.
The limit is on each file when is being uploaded, and, like you said, you can only upload files that are 64MB or less. Note that this limit depends on the server configuration.- This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by eatzeni.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to display .jpg in proper orientation on various browsersThe best is if your theme provide you a way to add custom CSS rule from the back-end, because if you edit the style.css directly you’ll lose that rule when you will update the theme.
However it’s only one rule, so it isn’t a big problem, and I suggest to do this way at the moment.
You can append that rule at the end of the style.css.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to display .jpg in proper orientation on various browsersTry adding this CSS rule:
img{ image-orientation: from-image; }
according to this answer
I suppose it is a problem with how the Galaxy S5 saves the photo, but I don’t have it so I can’t test it.
Using Firefox I can see the problem in your site and adding that CSS rule all images displays correctly.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to display .jpg in proper orientation on various browsersI understand but I need to see it, can you share here a link of your blog where you see the problem?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to display .jpg in proper orientation on various browsersDoes the image display correctly in the media gallery?
If yes, and if the issue is only when you see the image in the public page/post, it might be a CSS issue.Can you share here a link of your blog where you see the problem?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to display .jpg in proper orientation on various browsersHave you tried to rotate the image using the media library edit tool?
Go in the Media Library, then click on the Image you want to rotate, then in the media detail window click on the Edit Image button on the top.Here you can crop and rotate your image and when you have done press Save to save changes.
Hope it will help you