Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can only see html and not the image after ‘insert to post’I solved the problem.
WordPress sets up the HTML editor by default; not the WYSIWYG Visual editor. I believe in the past this was a global setting for all users, but now is tied to the user account.
To change that setting for each user do the following:
1. Login to WordPress
2. Click on Users
3. Click on your User you wish to edit (change the settings)
4. Check or uncheck the box “Disable the visual editor when writing”Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Organize categories on ‘add new post’ pageall is working now ??
Seems strange (to me anyway) that the person that wrote the original template forgot the closing ?> – and that all was working without it.
thanks a lot,
P.S. So not all blondes are dumb then ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Organize categories on ‘add new post’ pageI just downloaded the original template, and it doesn’t have a final
Should I add it?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Organize categories on ‘add new post’ pageThanks for your patience stvwlf and for getting back to me again.
I tried adding the code at the end of the page and got ..
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/getfinan/public_html/ on line 189
Paste of functions.php file is
if (function_exists(‘register_sidebars’)) {
register_sidebars(2, array(
‘before_widget’ => ‘<!— BEGIN Widget —>’,
‘before_title’ => ‘<!— BEGIN WidgetTitle —>’,
‘after_title’ => ‘<!— END WidgetTitle —>’,
‘after_widget’ => ‘<!— END Widget —>’
}function art_normalize_widget_style_tokens($content) {
$bw = ‘<!— BEGIN Widget —>’;
$bwt = ‘<!— BEGIN WidgetTitle —>’;
$ewt = ‘<!— END WidgetTitle —>’;
$bwc = ‘<!— BEGIN WidgetContent —>’;
$ewc = ‘<!— END WidgetContent —>’;
$ew = ‘<!— END Widget —>’;
$result = ”;
$startBlock = 0;
$endBlock = 0;
while (true) {
$startBlock = strpos($content, $bw, $endBlock);
if (false === $startBlock) {
$result .= substr($content, $endBlock);
$result .= substr($content, $endBlock, $startBlock – $endBlock);
$endBlock = strpos($content, $ew, $startBlock);
if (false === $endBlock) {
$result .= substr($content, $endBlock);
$endBlock += strlen($ew);
$widgetContent = substr($content, $startBlock, $endBlock – $startBlock);
$beginTitlePos = strpos($widgetContent, $bwt);
$endTitlePos = strpos($widgetContent, $ewt);
if ((false == $beginTitlePos) xor (false == $endTitlePos)) {
$widgetContent = str_replace($bwt, ”, $widgetContent);
$widgetContent = str_replace($ewt, ”, $widgetContent);
} else {
$beginTitleText = $beginTitlePos + strlen($bwt);
$titleContent = substr($widgetContent, $beginTitleText, $endTitlePos – $beginTitleText);
if (‘ ‘ == $titleContent) {
$widgetContent = substr($widgetContent, 0, $beginTitlePos)
. substr($widgetContent, $endTitlePos + strlen($ewt));
if (false === strpos($widgetContent, $bwt)) {
$widgetContent = str_replace($bw, $bw . $bwc, $widgetContent);
} else {
$widgetContent = str_replace($ewt, $ewt . $bwc, $widgetContent);
$result .= str_replace($ew, $ewc . $ew, $widgetContent);
return $result;
}function art_sidebar($index = 1)
if (!function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’)) return false;
$success = dynamic_sidebar($index);
$content = ob_get_clean();
if (!$success) return false;
$content = art_normalize_widget_style_tokens($content);
$replaces = array(
‘<!— BEGIN Widget —>’ => “\r\n<div class=\”Block\”>\r\n <div class=\”Block-body\”>\r\n”,
‘<!— BEGIN WidgetTitle —>’ => “<div class=\”BlockHeader\”>\r\n”,
‘<!— END WidgetTitle —>’ => “\r\n <div class=\”l\”></div>\r\n <div class=\”r\”><div></div></div>\r\n</div>\r\n”,
‘<!— BEGIN WidgetContent —>’ => “\r\n<div class=\”BlockContent\”>\r\n <div class=\”BlockContent-body\”>\r\n”,
‘<!— END WidgetContent —>’ => “\r\n </div>\r\n <div class=\”BlockContent-tl\”></div>\r\n <div class=\”BlockContent-tr\”><div></div></div>\r\n <div class=\”BlockContent-bl\”><div></div></div>\r\n <div class=\”BlockContent-br\”><div></div></div>\r\n <div class=\”BlockContent-tc\”><div></div></div>\r\n <div class=\”BlockContent-bc\”><div></div></div>\r\n <div class=\”BlockContent-cl\”><div></div></div>\r\n <div class=\”BlockContent-cr\”><div></div></div>\r\n <div class=\”BlockContent-cc\”></div>\r\n</div>\r\n”,
‘<!— END Widget —>’ => “\r\n </div>\r\n</div>\r\n”
$bwt = ‘<!— BEGIN WidgetTitle —>’;
$ewt = ‘<!— END WidgetTitle —>’;
if (” == $replaces[bwt] && ” == $replaces[$ewt]) {
$startTitle = 0;
$endTitle = 0;
$result = ”;
while (true) {
$startTitle = strpos($content, $bwt, $endTitle);
if (false == $startTitle) {
$result .= substr($content, $endTitle);
$result .= substr($content, $endTitle, $startTitle – $endTitle);
$endTitle = strpos($content, $ewt, $startTitle);
if (false == $endTitle) {
$result .= substr($content, $startTitle);
$endTitle += strlen($ewt);
$content = $result;
$content = str_replace(array_keys($replaces), array_values($replaces), $content);
echo $content;
return true;
}function art_list_pages_filter($output)
$output = preg_replace(‘~<li([^>]*)><a([^>]*)>([^<]*)~’,
$re = ‘~<li class=”([^”]*)(?: current_page_(?:ancestor|item|parent))+([^”]*)”><a ~’;
$output = preg_replace($re, ‘<li class=”$1$2″><a class=”active” ‘, $output, 1);
$output = preg_replace($re, ‘<li class=”$1$2″><a ‘, $output);
return $output;
}function art_header_page_list_filter($pages)
$result = array();
if ($GLOBALS[‘menu_showSubmenus’]) {
foreach ($pages as $page)
$result[] = $page;
} else {
foreach ($pages as $page)
if (0 == $page->post_parent)
$result[] = $page;
if (‘page’ == get_option(‘show_on_front’)) {
$pageOnFront = get_option(‘page_on_front’);
$pageForPosts = get_option(‘page_for_posts’);
if ($pageOnFront) {
foreach ($result as $key => $page) {
if (0 == $page->post_parent && $pageOnFront == $page->ID) {
if (!$pageOnFront && $pageForPosts) {
foreach ($result as $key => $page) {
if (0 == $page->post_parent && $pageForPosts == $page->ID) {
return $result;
}function art_menu_items($showSubmenus)
$GLOBALS[‘menu_showSubmenus’] = $showSubmenus;
$homeMenuItemCaption = ‘Home’;
$isHomeSelected = null;
if (‘page’ == get_option(‘show_on_front’)) {
$pageOnFront = get_option(‘page_on_front’);
$pageForPosts = get_option(‘page_for_posts’);
if ($pageOnFront) {
$page = & get_post($pageOnFront);
if (null != $page)
$homeMenuItemCaption = $page->post_title;
$isHomeSelected = is_page($page->ID);
} elseif (!$pageOnFront && $pageForPosts) {
$page = & get_post($pageForPosts);
if (null != $page)
$homeMenuItemCaption = $page->post_title;
if (null === $isHomeSelected)
$isHomeSelected = is_home();echo ‘
- <a’ . ($isHomeSelected ? ‘ class=”active”‘ : ”) . ‘ href=”‘ . get_option(‘home’) . ‘”><span><span>’
. $homeMenuItemCaption . ‘</span></span>
add_action(‘get_pages’, ‘art_header_page_list_filter’);
add_action(‘wp_list_pages’, ‘art_list_pages_filter’);
remove_action(‘wp_list_pages’, ‘art_list_pages_filter’);
remove_action(‘get_pages’, ‘art_header_page_list_filter’);
}add_filter(‘comments_template’, ‘legacy_comments’);
function legacy_comments($file) {
if(!function_exists(‘wp_list_comments’)) : // WP 2.7-only check
$file = TEMPLATEPATH.’/legacy.comments.php’;
return $file;
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Organize categories on ‘add new post’ pagethanks.
Isn’t this just for the page that will be displayed to surfers?
I’m having a problem when adding a post, because I have lots of categories and sub-categories that need sorting out.
I mostly need to sort out my sub-categories, so that when I’m ready to publish a post I can just scroll down to ‘politicians’ (for example), and then check the ones in the sub-categories that are mentioned in the post.
Sorry if my original post was not clear ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Notify by email each time I add a new blogI used this feedburner option ..
Subscribe to Our Changing Globe by Email
Works great.
I have comments turned off because of spam.
Thanks for the help,
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Duplicate categories showing on ‘write’ page.Well that was quick and much easier that trying to do it with the Comic Plug-in!
The plug-in solved the problem in seconds.
Thanks a lot!
Not sure if you need to be spanked or not ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Duplicate categories showing on ‘write’ page.Hi Hotkee,
In WP tools I have ..
Import, Export, Upgrade
In ComicPress 1.4.4
I have …
Upload, Import, Bulk Edit, Storyline Structure, Change Dates, ComicPress Config, Manager Config
But not ‘merge’.
P.S. Seems like the program would help people with many more thing
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Duplicate categories showing on ‘write’ page.I installed and activated the plug-in and it was a very big one!
However, I don’t see how to use it. to solve my particular ‘problem’.
Please help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2.7.1 auto upgrade failsDeactivating and uninstalling the plug-in worked for me.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I re-edit sub-categoriesExactly,
I missed the mouse over and only saw the check boxes and ‘delete’.
It was easy, just like me!
- <a’ . ($isHomeSelected ? ‘ class=”active”‘ : ”) . ‘ href=”‘ . get_option(‘home’) . ‘”><span><span>’