Help! about Events Calendar 6.4. I’ve already done this instructions below:
1. Upload events-calendar folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
3. Set options under Events Calendar/Options on the admin menu.
When updating you will need to deactivate and reactivate the plugin.
Also, this instructions because I want a large calendar post in my Schedule Page:
The ability to add a large public calendar is now available by posting a page and adding “EventsCalendarLarge” to the page content to create a stand alone calendar page. Also, when entering an event from the admin section, you can check the box saying “Create Post for Event”, which will cause a post to be created with the event information.
But the problem is, I’ve enter an event in the admin section of wordpress but in the page of my website, the events didnt show…
I also delete the Events Calendar Plugins and download a new one and restore it to my wordpress admin same procedures but my problem didnt resolve. Please Help