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  • Hey jlynn,

    It sounds like you are struggling with setting up the local host. The Lynda DW tutorial for setting up your DW/WP site locally is very accurate and helpful. If you have to scratch it and start over, then do it. I wouldn’t use their exercise files unless you are extremely clear on your folder structure; they have nothing to do with setting up your local site properly and this step may be creating un-needed confusion for you.

    I set up my site locally 3 different times so I understand your frustration. Take a breather, and start clean with the mindset that setting it up will work.

    What I found difficult was integrating my localhost info and the remote host. This process is not illustrated well on the Lynda videos because they don’t walk you through installing WP on your remote host. And, it involves a little MySQL database set up.

    I hope this helps!
    I’ve pasted the post below that I made in response to a fellow frustrated starter on the DW forum: regarding using DW only remotely. I have since properly set up my localhost and remote host to reflect most of the same info. Due to Database syncing difficulties, one must be careful on which files you “put” to the remote. I am only making some css style changes locally and then putting the “index.php” file to the remote. The “index.php” file contains all the different information that is found on all the different css, html, php, etc files.

    Not setting up a local server/site has many limitations when using the DW tools to edit.
    You can use live view/inspect to edit your site based on the remote file directory only. However, because php files and commands are dispersed throughout the WP theme and framework you are limited in seeing all the data on a single page. For example, if you view your home page in live view and inspect you will probably only see the div tags/parts which are found on a single file, like body.html. So, you would have to select specific .css files and other content files in order to find the bits and pieces which WP organizes together. Thus explains the benefit of using a local server.

    As of now, DW CS5 can only utilize the power of the local server to enable you to see ALL the WP bits in real time-“live view”. has a great video on setting up your local server, installing WP and establishing WP on your DW cs5 site. Search for Dreamweaver CS5 & WordPress In addition they have sections related to DW/WP integration.

    Setting up a local server & DWsite is really easy. Connecting that site to the remote server is another story. Which is where I ran into difficulty. I made it as far as setting up a MySQL data base on the remote server, then I had to call an expert for help because those who know how to finish the problem and willing to walk you through it are rare.

    What I did learn was that it is very helpful if you name your MySQL databases the same and you give them the same username and passwords. This pertains to the part where you edit the config.php page, so it holds the same data.

    I did find a great coach who walked me through it during a Skype session. His name is Jeff Lambert and his site is:

    I actually found him on a LinkedIN group called, WordPress Experts.

    In addition to helping integrate my local and remote directories, he helped me change some data prefix tables in my data base so that I am less vulnerable to hacks.

    And, he helped me organize my theme files so that I am editing the child theme rather than the integrated parent theme. (my theme is pageLines and it’s a frameworked theme, which is really not the best type of theme to be editing in DreamWeaver).

    So, Jeff helped me beyond my expectations and taught me more about DW and site setup/structure than I ever wanted to know:)

    I was so relieved after his help because I spent the last month failing at this DW setup and constantly feeling anxious because I thought that I was doing something wrong.

    If you’ve connected to your site remotely, you are doing nothing wrong, DWcs5’s live/inspect tools are somewhat limited when it comes to that type of setup.

    Although you can setup a local server after you have setup the remote server, Jeff has said that this type of setup is not 100% fool proof; so, it’s best to set up just like DW and the tutorials instruct.

    You’ll make it!

    And, you can check out my site: although, I am still developing it.

    All the Best,


    I discovered that in order to see all the dynamically-related files and content divs on one page, when using Live View/Inspect, one must have a local server installed.

    You can use live view and inspect mode to edit if your DW sit is only connected remotely, but you will have to find the individual files where all bits of .php and other script sources are stored: .css style, header.php. footer.php, body.html, etc.

    I hope this helps some people just starting to learn DW CS5 & WP3.0.4! It took me hours of research to find this out.

    I received this email from a good-human being. The human states,

    ” * WP needs to dynamically access all the various files that make up the WP site. It is not a traditional page based arrangement that you may be accustomed to in DW. There are many elements – or should I say, fragments of code that get assembled on-the-fly to produce a web page – all inside index.php. As a result, you will not see and traditional tags in the index.php file. They are all loaded dynamically. To see the site running in DW You need to run it in Live Mode, but you wont be able to edit the code without understanding where the fragments are that get dynamically assembled in the index.php file.

    * If you set up your site initially on a remote server then copy it down to your local server, the application will be wanting to access the database in order to run. If that database is not local, and you have not edited the wp-config file and database to accommodate the local server then you can expect problems. Same goes for transferring the site to a remote production server. The wp-config file and the db need to be edited so that he site will run as expected on the remote server

    It has been my experience to set up a local site for test and development and a seperate site in DW for the “production” site. That overcame some of the difficulties I experienced setting up a common DW site to run on both a local server and a remote server.

    Unfortunately, Adobe has not done a good job of educating the traditional DW user on what is needed to get familiar with using the product with web apps such as WP. Joomla or Drupal. It is a quantum leap from the old DW page based model to today’s modern web apps.
    Wish I could be more helpful. Good luck !! “

    So, That info is helpful to know and it raises some interesting feelings considering the Dreamweaver Marketing that you can “edit css visually”. How in the world ‘am I going to be able to set up a DW site locally and make MySQL database and .php config modifications if I need to “visually edit css”?

    I guess one can argue that Live View & Inspect are there primarily to help one locate all the different files, but they do sell the point, at least in, that live visual editing is what it is Great for.

    I would greatly appreciate some expert DW help on being able to use this revolutionary product in the way that it is advertised!

    If they are not going to help educate the necessary details for use, Why don’t they just include a pay for service where they will set up the system so that the tools will be able to do what they are advertised to do?

    In the past 2 weeks, All the online tutorials that I’ve researched and the hours of that I’ve watched have not taught me how to resolve the issues that I have encountered in this $900 investment!

    I am not giong to go get another $80,000 degree in order to learn how to modify php, mysql, apache, java, etc.; so if you know someone who has the Specialized skill sets to accomplish DW & WordPress Integration; please let me know so I can help them pay off their $80,000 degree in software engineering & design And actualize my vision for managing my website.


    Thread Starter DustinFaddis


    I received this email from a good-human being. The human states,

    ” * WP needs to dynamically access all the various files that make up the WP site. It is not a traditional page based arrangement that you may be accustomed to in DW. There are many elements – or should I say, fragments of code that get assembled on-the-fly to produce a web page – all inside index.php. As a result, you will not see and traditional tags in the index.php file. They are all loaded dynamically. To see the site running in DW You need to run it in Live Mode, but you wont be able to edit the code without understanding where the fragments are that get dynamically assembled in the index.php file.

    * If you set up your site initially on a remote server then copy it down to your local server, the application will be wanting to access the database in order to run. If that database is not local, and you have not edited the wp-config file and database to accommodate the local server then you can expect problems. Same goes for transferring the site to a remote production server. The wp-config file and the db need to be edited so that he site will run as expected on the remote server

    It has been my experience to set up a local site for test and development and a seperate site in DW for the “production” site. That overcame some of the difficulties I experienced setting up a common DW site to run on both a local server and a remote server.

    Unfortunately, Adobe has not done a good job of educating the traditional DW user on what is needed to get familiar with using the product with web apps such as WP. Joomla or Drupal. It is a quantum leap from the old DW page based model to today’s modern web apps.
    Wish I could be more helpful. Good luck !! “

    So, That info is helpful to know and it raises some interesting feelings considering the Dreamweaver Marketing that you can “edit css visually”. How in the world ‘am I going to be able to set up a DW site locally and make MySQL database and .php config modifications if I need to “visually edit css”?

    I guess one can argue that Live View & Inspect are there primarily to help one locate all the different files, but they do sell the point, at least in, that live visual editing is what it is Great for.

    I would greatly appreciate some expert DW help on being able to use this revolutionary product in the way that it is advertised!

    If they are not going to help educate the necessary details for use, Why don’t they just include a pay for service where they will set up the system so that the tools will be able to do what they are advertised to do?

    In the past 2 weeks, All the online tutorials that I’ve researched and the hours of that I’ve watched have not taught me how to resolve the issues that I have encountered in this $900 investment!

    I am not giong to go get another $80,000 degree in order to learn how to modify php, mysql, apache, java, etc.; so if you know someone who has the Specialized skill sets to accomplish DW & WordPress Integration; please let me know so I can help them pay off their $80,000+ degree in software engineering & design and actualize the vision that I have for managing my website.


    Thread Starter DustinFaddis


    So, in Live View with Inspect mode, I only see my body.html….and cannot see the other CSS styles involved.

    I am not using a local server I am using my host/remote server only and all my remote files/root directory.

    Of course I have a “local site folder” on my Hard Drive and I “Get” and “Put” my “Remote Files” to my “local files”.

    Can Anyone Help?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Dreamweaver Cs5

    AndyMumby, Did you get help with this?

    I need similar help, can you point me in the right direction?


    Hey Y’all,

    We all know how to set up the WP site in DW CS5 locally, but how do you take that site and connect the site remotely and to the remote root directory, which you created?

    The video for explaining “transferring files” did a weak job in assisting with this task.

    And, I have yet to find helpful information on this. Apparently, you need to have a B.S. in Code to know how to navigate these final steps. AHHH!

    If you can do set up a local site and create a remote site using the local site using DW CS5 I will pay you to do this for me. I’ve spent the past week failing at integrating WP & DW.

    Or, if you can give me a 30 min. tutorial of how to utilize Live View & Inspect Mode to see all the dynamically related css styles, I will pay you to do that.

    If you can refer me to someone, that would be awesome!

    Hey Max, Did you figure this out?

    I set up my WP site in DW CS5 on the localhost using MAMP. But, I fell apart trying to establish my site live when I went to publish.

    So, I set up WP on my server and ‘am connecting remotely with DW and trying to edit live. But, I am having some difficulty seeing all the div tags that are used in the dynamically-related files on one page.

    So, in Live View with Inspect mode, I only see my dody.html….and cannot see the other CSS styles involved.

    Can Anyone Help?

    Hey Andy, Did you find your fix? I sure hope so. If you didn’t, has an excellent tutorial on installing WP & setting up the DW site served by MAMP.

    I completed it, but when it came time to export my theme to my remote server/host things got complicated. After I set up my My.SQL data base on my remote server, I went back to DW to connect and I ran into some difficulty by not exporting my WP site, using the WP-Admin “Export” tool. Apparently, I needed to “export” my site in the WP-Admin and save it to my HD then “import” it back in there when I established my “new” DW Remote site.

    I have yet to find if this would work and wish there was a more comprehensive explanation of the process somewhere!

    If anyone discovers some answers, please share your knowledge.

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