Turns out that the commas were making internet explorer not show my player. I was trying to add color, Martin, and what I did was this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="audio-player.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
AudioPlayer.setup("player.swf", {
width: 290,
initialvolume: 100,
transparentpagebg: "no",
left: "000000",
bg: "E5E5E5",
leftbg: "CCCCCC",
lefticon: "333333",
voltrack: "F2F2F2",
volslider: "666666",
rightbg: "B4B4B4",
righbghover: "999999",
righticon: "F2F2F2",
righticonhover: "FFFFFF",
loader: "009900",
track: "FFFFFF",
tracker: "DDDDDD",
border: "CCCCCC",
skip: "666666",
text: "333333",
…but IE didn’t like the commas… is there a different way to change the colors?
PS semicolons ( ; ) don’t work ??
Thanks so much!