Thanks Ipstenu!
What you say makes sense.
I’m just really unsure of the route to choose.
The reason I thought MU may be overkill is because it’s more targeted for large-scale sites who would have users sign up for blogs, administering them themselves (i.e. newspapers etc).
For my project, I want to build a maximum of 10 blogs and provide logins for each of the 10 users to post to their own blog.
I didn’t know whether to:
a) Carry out 10 WordPress insallations into 10 subfolders (i.e. /blog/dave/, /blog/tom/, /blog/john/ etc as above
b) Somehow adapt the Categories option to perform this operation
c) use an alternative – like MU
What do you think?
p.s. as the project looms closer & closer, I’m not sure 3.0 is an option at present