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  • Thread Starter aryanduntley


    @bcworkz Yes. Thank you. After I submitted my last response, I read your reply again and you described it exactly that way. The request is created from the post object. The post object is determined by the slug. The permalink is generated and it sends the request to the right place. It does this by way of a 301.

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

    Thread Starter aryanduntley


    Ok. The question relates to a changed taxonomy. A post with a category, for instance /cars/sports/kia-rio.htm is changed to /cars/sedans/kia-rio.htm. WP automatically creates the redirect from the old to the new url… I was thinking this HAD to be stored in the database. The old state would have to be known in order to create a redirect. But after reviewing the code for redirect_canonical in canonical.php, it appears that:

    elseif ( is_single() && strpos( $wp_rewrite->permalink_structure, '%category%' ) !== false ) {	                        $category_name = get_query_var( 'category_name' );		                        if ( $category_name ) {	                                $category = get_category_by_path( $category_name );		                                if ( ! $category || is_wp_error( $category )	                                        || ! has_term( $category->term_id, 'category', $wp_query->get_queried_object_id() )	                                ) {	                                        $redirect_url = get_permalink( $wp_query->get_queried_object_id() );	                                        $redirect_obj = get_post( $wp_query->get_queried_object_id() );	                                }	                        }	                }

    it splits up the url into query parameters, checks to see if the post category exists and if so then checks whether the it’s correct. If it’s not, then it just redirects to the correct permalink. Meaning that no past state is saved in the database.

    Is this correct? Or am I still missing something?

    Thread Starter aryanduntley


    It appears it was our WAF that suddenly began blocking pinterest.

    Thread Starter aryanduntley


    The priority parameter. Still does not provide the post meta. But definitely something I overlook too often.

    Thread Starter aryanduntley


    Ok, with a mixture of browser your documentation and browsing your code I found:

    add_filter(‘mappress_tile_providers’, ‘addMapSkinSrc’, 20);
    in your docs and

    add_filter(‘mappress_baselayers’, ‘addMapBaseLayer’, 20);
    in your code.

    For any reading this, The first filter passes an array that is defined here:

    So you would add to the option like so: $options[‘stmn’] = array(…).

    The second filter passes also an array but you would add to it like this:
    $baselayers[] = array(‘provider’ => ‘stmn’, ‘id’ => ‘stmn’, ‘name’ => ‘stmn’, ‘label’ => __(‘Stamen’, ‘mappress-google-maps-for-wordpress’));

    This will provide a list of skin providers on the map that a user can choose from.

    Thread Starter aryanduntley


    I’ve tried using the mapp object like so:

    t is undefined or t.addLayer is not a function are all I get. Which means I am either not grabbing the correct object or I’m not using titleLayer correctly… or both.

    Thread Starter aryanduntley


    Ok, that’s fine. I haven’t had time to revisit this and debug further. I’ve been busy working on projects.

    Thread Starter aryanduntley


    Not multisite. Just single install wordpress. The wp-config definitions were accessed when running tests, but when attempting to send emails live, something was wrong and I continued to get authentication errors. When I commented out the wp-config definitions, and placed the password into settings manually, plain text, the test and live emails worked.

    define(‘WPMS_ON’, true);

    this above worked fine when running the test from your admin area. But failed authentication when attempting to send emails live via wp_mail().

    SSL was not working for me (not just with your plugin. Friggin worthless godaddy. I couldn’t get SSL to work in any way, not even attempting to connect via linux command line). So, I used TLS on port 80. It’s the only thing that worked for me. Works fine with plaintext password in your setting page. But with the constants in wp-config, it is only working with your plugin when running tests.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by aryanduntley.
    Thread Starter aryanduntley


    I removed the wp_config WPMS_SMTP_PASS constant and just saved the pass plaintext. This worked. You might have to debug something there.

    Thread Starter aryanduntley


    I want to connect with you. How best to do that? Without publicly posting contact details here.

    Thread Starter aryanduntley


    Yes, that took care of it. Thank you!

    Thread Starter aryanduntley


    Ok, I will play with that a bit and let you know if it’s resolved. Thank you.

    Plugin Author aryanduntley


    I do not update this plugin anymore. If it’s breaking you should not use it. When I have the time, I’ll Put a notice that it’s no longer compatible with newer version of WP, or remove it if I can. I’m pretty sure I do not want to update it.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by aryanduntley.
    Thread Starter aryanduntley


    Thank you for the response. I did not readily see the api area in stackpath. I was searching for a while for some way to generate a key. Beyond that though, with the w3total cache plugin, when clearing all settings and attempting to “perform the integration”, there is only maxcnd available and when you attempt to integrate, it redirects to maxcnd for login and obviously, stackpath credentials do not work here.

    Still, I do have the API creds now for stackpath and I thank you for bringing that to my attention. I will try again on staging to see if maybe this issue can be resolved, but with the authorize and access token url’s being for stackpath, I doubt that w3t will check that path instead of maxcd since there is no stackpath option in the CDN list.

    Thread Starter aryanduntley


    I only briefly looked at this for a client that is using it on a not very active part of their site. WP Snap was a decent plugin, but to create something similar is extremely easy with a custom query:

    $first_char = ‘B’;
    $second_char = $first_char;
    $second_char = strtolower($first_char);
    $second_char = strtoupper($first_char);

    global $post;

    $cposts = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare(“SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE SUBSTR($wpdb->posts.post_title,1,1) = %s || SUBSTR($wpdb->posts.post_title,1,1) = %s ORDER BY $wpdb->posts.post_title”, $first_char, $second_char));

    foreach($cposts as $post){
    echo ‘<br/>’;

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