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  • Thread Starter dumser


    ** BUMP **

    Thread Starter dumser


    This shouldn’t be a problem with the theme or any other plugins because the problems are on the backend, the admin interface. Is anyone running CF7 under WP 2.8.5?

    Thread Starter dumser


    I’ve also noticed the “Generate Tag” functionality doesn’t appear on the edit page.

    I recently upgraded a site from 2.2.3 to 2.3 to 2.5.1 to 2.7.1. This is from memory, but I believe running the 2.3 upgrade.php just showed a blank page. Then the 2.5 upgrade complained about WordPress database errors (stuff like “Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key 1”) but said it upgraded — and it created the taxonomy structure although did not create relationships. And the 2.5 upgrade caused a recursion loop when subsequently trying to access the backend. But the 2.7.1 straightened that out, although relationships were still missing.

    So, after a bit of spelunking around in the term tables, I put together the following script:

    #! /bin/sh
    awk '/INSERT INTO wp_post2cat/ { print $6 + 0, $7 + 0 }' $1 \
      | sort -n \
      | awk '{ printf \
            "INSERT INTO wp_term_relationships VALUES (%d,%d,0);\n" \
            "UPDATE wp_term_taxonomy SET count = count + 1 WHERE term_id = %d;\n", \
          $1, $2, $2; }'

    Basically, all that was missing was a row in relationships that linked a post (object_id) to a category (term_id). (You also need to bump the count for that term_id.) So if you have a SQL dump from before the upgrade attempt, you can feed it to the above script, save the output to a file and feed that back into mysql.

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