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I try to add the error code:
WordPress verze 6.5.2 Aktuální ?ablona: JupiterX Child (verze 1.0.0) Aktuální plugin: Formidable Forms (verze 6.9) Verze PHP 8.2.18 Podrobnosti chyby ================= Na ?ádku ?. 12 v souboru /home/www/panskysenk.cz/www/panskysenk.cz/wp-content/plugins/formidable/classes/views/frm-fields/back-end/settings.php do?lo k chybě typu E_ERROR. Chybová zpráva: Uncaught ValueError: Unknown format specifier “P” in /home/www/panskysenk.cz/www/panskysenk.cz/wp-content/plugins/formidable/classes/views/frm-fields/back-end/settings.php:12 Stack trace: #0 /home/www/panskysenk.cz/www/panskysenk.cz/wp-content/plugins/formidable/classes/views/frm-fields/back-end/settings.php(12): printf() #1 /home/www/panskysenk.cz/www/panskysenk.cz/wp-content/plugins/formidable/classes/controllers/FrmFieldsController.php(335): include(‘…’) #2 /home/www/panskysenk.cz/www/panskysenk.cz/wp-content/plugins/formidable/classes/views/frm-forms/add_field.php(91): FrmFieldsController::load_single_field_settings() #3 /home/www/panskysenk.cz/www/panskysenk.cz/wp-content/plugins/formidable/classes/controllers/FrmFieldsController.php(180): require(‘…’) #4 /home/www/panskysenk.cz/www/panskysenk.cz/wp-content/plugins/formidable/classes/views/frm-forms/form.php(58): FrmFieldsController::load_single_field() #5 /home/www/panskysenk.cz/www/panskysenk.cz/wp-content/plugins/formidable/classes/views/frm-forms/edit.php(34): require(‘…’) #6 /home/www/panskysenk.cz/www/panskysenk.cz/wp-content/plugins/formidable/classes/controllers/FrmFormsController.php(1155): require(‘…’) #7 /home/www/panskysenk.cz/www/panskysenk.cz/wp-content/plugins/formidable/classes/controllers/FrmFormsController.php(172): FrmFormsController::get_edit_vars() #8 /home/www/panskysenk.cz/www/panskysenk.cz/wp-content/plugins/formidable/classes/controllers/FrmFormsController.php(1793): FrmFormsController::edit() #9 /home/www/panskysenk.cz/www/panskysenk.cz/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): FrmFormsController::route() #10 /home/www/panskysenk.cz/www/panskysenk.cz/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters() #11 /home/www/panskysenk.cz/www/panskysenk.cz/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action() #12 /home/www/panskysenk.cz/www/panskysenk.cz/wp-admin/admin.php(259): do_action() #13 {main} thrown
Hello, thx for your answers. I can see this issue on more sites. And disabling the WP rocket does not solve this issue. I tried also the CORS miniplugin – without of success.
Tested on different php versions – 8.0.xx, 8.1.., 8.2….
Thx for your answer.
Best regards
Jaroslav Ondra
Hello, I have exactly same issue. When using select box, it is impossible to check the checkbox on the options page – so it is impossible to delete option. Drag and drop reorder is also not woking.
Tested on more latest versions of WP and WOO.
Thx for the fix
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Crowdfunding] Currency positionHello Munayam,
thx for your answer and sry for my delay ..
When I was working on the translation I found that this frontend string is missing in translation – %s days remaining
You can see it here: https://nadacnifondgratia.cz/burza-dobrych-skutku/
Thx for adding it to the .pot file
Best regards
dUDLAJForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Crowdfunding] Currency positionHello Munayam,
thx for you answer. This fix means that after each upgrade it will have to be reaplied.
So if I understand this correctly there is actually no way how to override core plugin files?
Thx again for your support and for the great plugin. I am actually working also on a hand made translation to czech language. On what e-mail shall I send the translation files?Best regards
dUDLAJForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Crowdfunding] Currency positionHello Munayam,
thx for your answer. I am using latest versions of everything ?? but I can not confirm that it works as you described.In WooCommerce settings I have setup currency position right with space – as we can see on the price of a single product – https://nadacnifondgratia.cz/produkt/kabelka/
On the product page of crowdfunding product it also working – https://nadacnifondgratia.cz/produkt/tabor-pro-pepicka-7-000-kc/ – but only on price display. The problem is the input field where users can enter the price – there is the price symbol before the input box.
Before installing WP Crowdfunding I have setup also a Name your price product (donation product) – but here I have my setup of display – so it works as expected – https://nadacnifondgratia.cz/produkt/dar-nadacnimu-fondu-gratia/ – so K? (czeck crown code in Czech language) is behind the input filed = right with space.
Thx for your support
Best regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Help Ukraine] Where to send translation filesHello,
I wish I can do even more. We help people from Ukraine here in Czech republic as much as possible also …
We all hope that this ?hell on earth“ will be finished soon and the Ukraine land will be free again.
Best regards
dUDLAJForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Help Ukraine] Where to send translation filesTranslation was imported.
Best regards
dUDLAJI had the same problem and the fix works.
Best regards
dUDLAJ- This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by dudlaj.
Hello guys,
maybe I know what’s the problem. When I export images from Photosphop optimized for web page display then some of them are not needed to be optimized. So, they have no backup copies – they we’re not optimized – this make sense. But I still don’t know how to genereta backup copies from not optimized images…. There is possibly one way – to set optimize to ultra, but I will definitely loose some quality with this setting turned on..
Is there any other solution how to generate backup copies for non-optimized images?
thx for your response
dUDLAJNow it is working fine – thx for the fix.
dUDLAJForum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] strange problem in JSHello,
final thoughts about this support ticket.
You we’re right about the colspan and I was right about the Jupiter theme shortcodes.
Both cause trouble – I solved it like this and it is working – https://filbec.jeztezdrave.cz/zakladni-rada-filtru-filbec/ – it needs some fine tunnig, but it is working across the devices.
Thank you for your support and for the great plugin again.
Best regards
dUDLAJForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kybernaut I?O DI?] ?rtěcez p?ekladuDobry den paní Vysko?ilová,
děkuji za bleskovou reakci.
U? chápu kde je problém. Ne?el jsem si pro p?eklad do WordPress repository, ale hledal jsem ho v adresa?i languages, kde není … .pot, ktery je tam p?ibalen tento ?etězec neobsahuje.
Testoval jsem si chování updatu na webu kde mám plugin instalován a v?e funguje mnohem lépe ne? v p?edchozí verzi = děkuji za upgrade. Hodnocení ode mně u? máte a lep?í vlo?it neumím ??
P?eji hezky den
JAroslav Ondra – dUDLAJForum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] strange problem in JSHello Tobias – thank you for superfast answer.
I was ?playing“ with tables half of the afternoon and I think the problem is not the divider (in the rows with #colspan) neither the Datatables JS. You identified the problem yourself – it’s the Responsive Tables extension.
I had it already installed on the page but I was using just clasic VC shortcodes in the table – example here – https://filbec.jeztezdrave.cz/katalog/ceramic/ (single image shortcode for the icons in columns.
On this page https://filbec.jeztezdrave.cz/zakladni-rada-filtru-filbec/ I am using also the Jupiter theme shortcodes inside the table.
Now it is working correctly, but the tables are not responsive (responsive tables extension deactivated) = equals the colors on icons are OK, dividers are on their places Datatables can be switched on.
If I activate responsive tables extension – 1. page load on guest browser is OK. Second page load – The color are gone, and styling problems, js errors ..
I can create you an account in the system and share ftp credentials – if needed.
Thx for supportBest regards