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I used the advice that Hept27 gave,but updating my event.css code didn’t change anything with my formatting. Bit of guess-work showed that the pages were missing calling a css code from my theme that would assign width for the section that calender went in…
essentially, the calender was just being placed on the page… but it needed to be told where to go within the body. Needed a ‘div id=”content” ‘ added in there to confine the calendar within the ‘content’ section of my body.
And, based on the advice of a friend, I installed FireBug for FireFox… wow… what a freakin useful tool! Lets me know that I have conflicting font callouts, so now I know which one to edit, or which one to rename.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: The Events Calendar] Google ProblemPretty sure the google link was there to begin with… it’s there on mine, and I haven’t done the time-fix.
I believe the button comes up if you chose to not have a map shown. I’m sure if you look in the single.php, you’ll find the callout for the google button.
<a class="gmap" href="<?php event_google_map_link() ?>" title="Click to view a Google Map" target="_blank"><?php _e('Google Map', $this->pluginDomain ); ?></a>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: The Events Calendar] How to Start the Events CalendarI had installed the calendar, and created an event… but still couldn’t see anything on the website. I had to create a link to the /events/ directory.
I am using Arthemia;
Calendar takes over my theme…
Normally a ‘page’ should be displayed by calling the content into the main area of the page, then calling the sidebars. When viewing any pages related to this plugin:
/events/sample-event/All I get is the main background colour, and the calendar content… no sidebar.
From my site:
How a regular ‘page’ should look:
https://www.douglasapiaries.com/workshops/How an event ‘page’ looks: (note the lack of sidebar… and grey background, instead of white-on-grey background)
https://www.douglasapiaries.com/events/presentation-for-the-sudbury-foodshed-project/How the calendar ‘page’ looks: (note the lack of sidebar… and grey background, instead of white-on-grey background)