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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to insert images into post & stuck in Text viewWhat is wordpress default? So you went to APPEARANCE then THEME and chose either 2010 or 2011? Those are usually the themes it comes with. Activate one of those and try.
I suppose it doesn’t matter as long as the plugin works for you. But I personally get nervous it could cause more issues. If you never fix the problem and just find workarounds, and you every have a major problem, it will be harder to troubleshoot.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Please please help! Uploading photos to posts problemJust an fyi – You should never save images from google to your hardrive and use them in your blog. You are just asking to start getting copyright infringement notices and it will cost you a great deal trust me. Check out this article about it: https://www.mediacrazed.com/google-images-for-your-website/
Regarding your media button its hard to say, there isn’t enough information like what version you are running and how you are adding the images. Are you loading directly to the media library or adding images from the post? If you are running any of The recent updates it has changed the way this looks but the options to resize are still there. When you insert your image you can see the right side has image details, where the insert post button is. If you scroll down in that pane the very last thing is the image sizes you can choose from.
hope that helps, otherwise of you can be more clear it will be easier for people to answer you. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Preview Page Loads – Published Page Won'tLooks like You edited your page urls and order you have 3 different things going on.
The URL that is working is: https://www.laser-tag-equipment.com/request/
But above you have the link as: /request-info
Which is redirecting to: https://www.laser-tag-equipment.com/contact-us/request-info/That indicates its a child page of contact us but its actually the other way around. You have contact as a child of Request info.
At any rate, you need to fix your urls and order.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP Site inaccessible after plugin updateokay so I can’t post the link. Do a search of this:
White Screen, Cannot Login Admin, Theme Directory Missing W3 Total Cache
That should give you the page that has the instructions.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP Site inaccessible after plugin updateForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to insert images into post & stuck in Text viewIf its not your plugins, then Its probably your theme. Deactivate the theme, and use any other standard theme like 2010 or whatever comes with the install and then try. If it works, then you need to see if the theme you are using has an update for the latest wp version.
I also found a temp fix that I have used when I don’t have time to troubleshoot if if a theme has been customized and can’t be updated. This plugin changes the basic wordpress editor and allows you to switch back and forth between visual and html. However it doesn’t fix the media issue. Plugin: Dean’s FCKEditor For WordPress
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Issues with Japanese in URLsanyone?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Real Estate ClassifiedsNo they are still up and not a scam, I have used many of their themes for over a year and had very few issues. I have 6 sites running their themes and if I have issues I get fast response from support.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Templatic issues….againUnderstood totally. But I think its important to at least post the issues here so at least people are aware that others are having the same issues, and also that others who find answers can post them, so its not necessarily asking volunteers for information all the time, just trying to find others with similar problems. When I have issues with anything the first thing I do is look here and its incredible useful to me.
I decided to give them another chance when I saw them making an effort. I am a reasonable person and will always give people the benefit of the doubt. But clearly nothing has changed, they may have made some attempts but the product still has way too many issues and they need to stop selling them and go back to development. Way too many people just give up.
Just went to go submit a ticket to get a refund and their site is down. Again. Sigh.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: warning about TEMPLATIC themesAs the person who started this thread I can say it is not entirely fair to say they aren’t trying. When they saw my thread and others they immediately responded and listened to our suggestions about the support forum and added it back. Initially when I complained it was because I saw that they had shut down their forum and it made me suspicious especially when I was not receiving responses to my tickets and had no other options. I agree that there is an issue with the ticketing system, it turned out that 2 of my 4 tickets had been responded to in the same or next day, I was just not notified by email and it wasn’t until I logged in and went into ticket history that I saw the responses, if I remember the overview said I had no messages. There was something wonky about the ticketing system that I think was confusing people and maybe still is, I haven’t used it or looked at it lately I just remember the responses not being easy to find. I think if they didn’t care, they wouldn’t have added the forum back and wouldn’t be responding here. But I do agree they need to look into their ticketing system, something isn;t working there. But since I posted here they have been very supportive so I do think they are trying.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: warning about TEMPLATIC themesI did notice one thing, that there were responses in my account that I was never notified of even though I asked to me notified. When I logged in I was surprised to see responses in there and it wasn’t in an area I noticed right away. Even though the didn’t respond quickly and it took a few requests they did respond. I recommend checking your account to see if they did respond to the tickets in there.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hawaii Time Zone showing 2 hours lateranyone?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Some PHP help neededYou should go on the gabfire forum. The developer Mehmet is really awesome with support. People can help you here but you will get a faster response on gabfire and also might find the answer already in the forum.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Real Estate ClassifiedsHave you checked https://www.premiumpress.com? They have awesome themes, I have used most of the classifieds and directory themes. THey have a real estate one too I believe but I haven’t used that one. The guy Mark Fail is excellent with support he even emails you back directly sometimes and FAST!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: To Esmi(mod) > So where should I name and shame?lol wow, did they really think you would leave that link up? FREE premium themes on WP for everyone!