Forum Replies Created
I just updated today to your latest version and everything worked fine without disconnecting from ManageWP this time. Thanks.
There is no error at WP side, only at my Dashboard of ManageWP.
And it’s not even an “error” per se. It just disconnects the site from the account of ManageWP.
But I can wait until the next update of yours to see what happens on WP also.You might also want to contact the folks at Manage WP about that, they are always very helpful.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] UpdateThis plugin seems to be dead.
Moving here:
You are right, the translations are working correctly.
The site has always been set in French at Settings > General > Language BUT my own admin account is set in English and this is causing this salad of languages when viewing invoices. But my client is using the site in French and I can view the invoices correctly and fully translated when using her account.
Sorry for this non existing issue alert.
We are using a free delivery by email. After their order online, clients receive a manual email with payment instructions. Once their payment received we send them the image files with a file transfer link.
Everything works fine but their order remains marked as “Processing”.
When we manually change their order status to “Order shipped/finalised” in order to have a clear view of statuses I was surprised to see that they automatically received an invoice of their order. As I want to set the status of some old orders to “shipped/finalised” I would like to avoid having them receive old invoices. Otherwise send them the Order Receipt instead.UPDATE: please disregard this as we found how to edit the document they receive when an order is set to “finalised” and made it more clear. There has been some confusion with old orders that were not correctly followed up and when we marked them as “finalized” people were receiving something that looked like an invoice and were confused.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] Vulnerability patch?Solid Security plugin (former iThemes Security) keeps sending this alert since a couple of days and I thought you got the same – although it doesn’t seem very important:
I corrected both of those terms as they were really not correct.
Ship was translated to “vaisseau” which means ship – the object (like spaceship) not the action of shipping (expédition) and Pickup was translated to “ramassage” which is used for trash collection, not the action of collecting items (collecte).Sure, with pleasure but it looks like I need I need to login for doing this and I don’t have an account.
Other than that, I already checked your language files with poedit and the “vaisseau” corresponds to “ship” in there and that is somehow correct (although it also means “spaceship”…). And “free shipping” is translated correctly.
So, I don’t really know which string is used here as shown below as the shipping method being used is “Free”
and it translates to “Vaisseau”.
Yes, you are double right, thanks.
Yes, you are right!
I did those exclusions 2 years ago but we decided to update those URLs this year and, of course, my old exclusions didn’t work anymore…
Everything is fine now and sorry for the trouble!Thanks, I see now, that’s fine.
It was not disabled but we didn’t use those galleries since over a year and many things changed since our initial installation in 2022.Just tested further: still not working on Chrome, even after emptying the cache, but worked with Edge, Vivaldi and Firefox.
Really strange.
May I know how to enable “store” option please?
No special characters were used. Only 4 numbers.
I created a test gallery and sent you an email via your site’s contact page.