David Swanson
Forum Replies Created
Hi Unomas.
Definitely! My personally website is https://davidswanson.me
Go to: https://davidswanson.me/contact/
Just send me a message on my contact us page saying your the guy..or lady (can’t tell by your username ?? ) from the WordPress forum. It will be easier, faster, and less intrusive to this forum if I help you through email.Plus it keeps us from publish our email addresses on this forum and getting spammed.
Talk to you soon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BadgeOS] Achievement Steps maximum of 99 times?+1 on this too
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Join My Multisite] Log in link on wp-activate.php links to main siteI was having the same issue too. Placed in in my child theme function.php and worked perfect. Thank you!
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Login Widget With Shortcode] Breaks Links & ThemeYour review does not even make sense. I have two professional themes and it works just fine. You don’t even put what theme you are using. You may have a theme that is not coded properly or out of date.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Cover] CSS BugForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Multisite InstallationFound the problem. Since I’m using multisite I have Domain Mapping plugin installed. Under the plugin settings, Domain Options, I had this option checked. Redirect administration pages to site’s original domain (remote login disabled if this redirect is disabled)
Once I unchecked this everything works.
Thanks for your help!
GREAT PLUGIN!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Multisite InstallationHi Jeff,
Thank you for the quick response. The one problem I’m having is redirection. It’s installed on a multisite. I have the Theme My Login on my primary widget area. It shows on all pages. I choose referer so that if a user logs out it will redirect them back to the same blog post. However, when a user logs out it redirects them to the primary website on the multisite.
I also tired “Check this option to send the user to a custom location, specified by the textbox above.” and put in the home page of the website that I’m working on. Again, after hitting logout it logs the user out but directs them to the primary website.
Have you heard of this before?
Hi Julien,
Great, thank you! I just received my discount code.
WooCommerce version:2.3.8
I was able to find the problem. I disabled all of Woocommerce and the paid plugins that I have for WooCommerce. I re-enabled one at a time. It was a paid plugin that was causing the problem.
The plugin is: WooCommerce Cart Add-Ons
I had the most recent version installed 1.5.6For now I have it disabled and WP Awesome Support works great.
Thank you for your quick response!
David Swanson
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Youtube Channel Gallery] getting no longer supported video from YouTubeHere is how I fixed the problem using the widget
First, you need to go to your YouTube channel. Over on the left menu click “My Channel”
From the horizontal menu, click “videos”From the drop menu at the top choose “All Videos” the default is “Upload” After choosing “All Videos” move your mouse by the title “Upload” and a “Play” button will appear next to “Upload”
Click “Play”
Your first video will start to play. Over on the left menu at the top will be the name of your Upload playlist. Example “Uploads From xxx”
Click on that playlist “Upload From xxx”
In the address bar of your browser will be something ending in list=
after the list= is your Upload playlist id.
Copy that ID down.In your widget choose Playlist under video feed type and enter that playlist id.
That fixed my problem.
Now if you have a page with the shortcode. I tried several things and was unable to find a fix for the shortcode. So, the easy way I did this is that I’m using the theme WooThemes “Canvas”. I used the page “Widget” template.
Using WooThemes free plugins Woo Sidebars I created a new widget area for that page. Add the YouTube gallery to that widget area and that fixed the problem.
Hope this helps!
Hi Kainer,
The code places the login/logout into a menu like your top menu or primary navigation menu. To add padding you would just add the padding to the entire navigation menu. That way it’s uniformed for the entire menu.
David Swanson
https://planglobal.netThe code that I added in my post actually directs you to yourdomain.com/myaccount
This is normally what you want if you are using WooCommerce.However, you can make it direct to any page you would like. Just change the two spots where you see ‘myaccount’ to whatever page. Example below
wc_get_pageid( ‘myaccount ‘ ) instead wc_get_pageid (‘wp-login.php’ )
Let me know if you need further help.
David Swanson
https://planglobal.netHey guys. Super easy to do without a plugin.
Just add this to your function.php file
/*Add LoginOut in Top Menu */ add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'add_loginout_link', 10, 2 ); function add_loginout_link( $items, $args ) { if (is_user_logged_in() && $args->theme_location == 'top-menu') { $items .= '
<a href="'. wp_logout_url( get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( 'myaccount' ) ) ) .'">Log Out</a>
elseif (!is_user_logged_in() && $args->theme_location == 'top-menu') {
$items .= '
<a href="' . get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( 'myaccount' ) ) . '">Log In</a>
'; } return $items; }
You may have to change the two spots where it says ‘top-menu’ to the name of your menu that is registered. Might be primary-menu for the main nav. I use it for my top navigation menu.
David Swanson
https://planglobal.netForum: Reviews
In reply to: [WordPress HTTPS (SSL)] Does not workNo it does not. I’m using it on WordPress 4.0 and also on my multisite that is now WordPress 4.0 and works just fine.
Thank you!
Your plugin is awesome! Great work!!!!