Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't access posts. Get Whoops! You found a page that doesn't exist.The Ghosts in the machine…. Ha. Glad you figured it out.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Is WordPress right for me?Also not saying this is what you are looking for, but check out the platform SquareSpace. After thinking about it, I think that may be similar to what your looking for.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Is WordPress right for me?Yeah WordPress can definitely be tricky for some users at the start. But if I have understood correctly, from what you described, it sounds like you are wanting something with a front end editor. There are plugins, like this one, that may help. However would require some testing.
All the best.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I change permalink page from /home-4 to /homeGenerally the number will show up when you already have a post with the same name or using the same permalink. Make your you have permanently deleted all other pages entitled “Home”. Then check the permalinks of all pages to make sure none of them are ussing ” home”. Even make sure they are deleted from the trash. After that trt to rename the permalink again. Hope that helps.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hacked and Can't Access Admin PageHm… I would take a look at your site using FTP. I’m not sure if you have done that before. However, take a look and make sure that everything is still there, and that there isn’t anything suspicious. Check your index.php file and make sure it doesn’t have anything strange in it as well. Here is some extra support information you can look at: https://blog.sucuri.net/2012/11/website-malware-removal-ftp-tips-tricks.html
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't access posts. Get Whoops! You found a page that doesn't exist.Have you downloaded any plugins recently? I would try turning them all of and then on, one by one, to see if the problem goes away and/or comes back. Then you can find the culprit.
Also try turning on the 2015 theme and try to visit the posts. If you are able to get to them no problem, then the Theme may have an issue. If that is the case, try copying over the theme via FTP and see if that makes a difference. That may fix any files that somehow got corrupt or may have been edited.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to shut down websiteHello thenaturalresourcer,
There are a few steps you will need to shut down your WordPress site, however the easiest and fastest way to get it off the internet, is to delete all of your files off of your host. You can also stop pointing your domain to your website, so no one can go to it anymore by visiting the domain.
By doing those steps your site will be deleted forever, and your domain name will most likely be replaced by a placeholder for the host you have.
Hope that helps.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to add the Header Slider to all the pages? Among Other QuestionsHello gamingnammer,
Nice choice in Theme, I’m sure the site is going to look great when its done. Now as goes getting that header slider on each page may require some looking at of the Theme documentation. I’m not sure if this theme came with any, but if it did try and take a look there.
Also one thing I like to do when setting up a site with a purchased Theme is to download the demo content. You can find it here for that theme. What’s nice about this is that it sets you up with the site exactly the same as the demo, then you can go in and change it to suit your needs.
I hope that helps a little and can get you started.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't access posts. Get Whoops! You found a page that doesn't exist.Looks like it may be an issue with the theme or perhaps a plugin conflict. If you look at the link the you would click to go to the blog post it says https://westendstudio.com/amplifykcsubmission instead of the correct path for the post.
Could be a place to start.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hacked and Can't Access Admin PageAlso when you recover it take a look at some of the security measures you can add to your site Here.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hacked and Can't Access Admin PageSorry to hear that… But stay calm and take a look at this Guide from WordPress about having your site Hacked. Hope you can work it out.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My menu is on 2 lines – how do I change it to 1?Hey Distraction Theatre,
Sorry about not responding quickly enough on your subpage question. Glad you were able to figure it out though. Happy Designing.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Two identical sites on two hosts but one gives errorsHello Cealin,
That is definitely no fun at all. Sorry you have to go through that. Without looking into it too much, I would definitely check some things out on the new Host. Not sure who you are using, but make sure that you are running the most recent version of PHP on the site. That might be a good start.
Hope you are able to figure it out, and sorry I can’t be of more help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My menu is on 2 lines – how do I change it to 1?Unfortunately problems like this happen and can be difficult to solve fully because of varying screen sizes and resolutions. Probably the simplest and quickest method to fix, would be slimming down the number of menu items. Perhaps you could combine a few the menu items into a dropdown.
Hope your designing goes well.
Hello needforname,
I hope that I understand your question correctly. Form what I gathered you would like to replace an image with an updated one and use the same permalink? If that is the case you can do this by means of FTP. You can use a program like FileZilla, and then connect to your site. (You may need login credentials for FTP from your host if you haven’t done this before). Once connected navigate to the folder with the picture you would like to update, in the example you mentioned before go to /wp-content/uploads/2011/11/. Once there replace the image hill-law-logo-design.jpg with the new one.
I am not sure if this will effect your images in Google Image Search, however it will replace the image on your website without having to change anything.
Hope that helps and solves your problem.