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  • You will only ever find one set of files in a multisite network(5, 10, or 100,000 sites? all share one set of WordPress files), the multisites are virtual.

    Using a 2nd child theme (and making it visible on a per site basis) is a good way to go if you want to customize “out of the box” themes.

    If it is a matter of tweaking CSS, then use an EditCss plugin – CustomCSS with Jetpack plugin.

    Plugin Author David Sader


    Sorry about that. Here is another method for removing filters/actions from WordPress plugins in external classes.

    function remove_class_filter( $tag, $class_name = '', $method_name = '', $priority = 10 ){
    	global $wp_filter;
    	// Check for filter and specific priority (default 10)
    	if( ! isset( $wp_filter[ $tag ][ $priority ] ) || ! is_array( $wp_filter[ $tag ][ $priority ] ) ) return FALSE;
    	// Check each filter with specified priority
    	foreach( (array) $wp_filter[ $tag ][ $priority ] as $filter_id => $filter ) {
    		// Filter should always be an array - array( $this, 'method' ), if not goto next
    		if( ! isset( $filter['function'] ) || ! is_array( $filter['function'] ) ) continue;
    		// If first value in array is not an object, it can't be a class
    		if( ! is_object( $filter['function'][0] ) ) continue;
    		// If class name does not match the class we're looking for, goto next
    		if( get_class( $filter['function'][0] ) !== $class_name ) continue;
    		// Yay we found our filter
    		if( $filter['function'][1] === $method_name ) {
    			// Now let's remove it from the array
    			unset( $wp_filter[ $tag ][ $priority ][ $filter_id ] );
    			// and if it was the only filter in that priority, unset that priority
    			if( empty($wp_filter[ $tag ][ $priority ]) ) unset($wp_filter[ $tag ][ $priority ]);
    			// and if the only filter for that tag, set the tag to an empty array
    			if( empty($wp_filter[ $tag ]) ) $wp_filter[ $tag ] = array();
    			// Remove this filter from merged_filters (specifies if filters have been sorted)
    			unset($GLOBALS['merged_filters'][ $tag ]);
    			return TRUE;
    	return FALSE;
    	function ds_more_privacy_options_deactivate() {
    		remove_class_filter( 'template_redirect', 'DS_More_Privacy_Options', 'ds_users_authenticator', 10 );
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by David Sader.
    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Menus] Menu
    Plugin Author David Sader


    This is not a support question for this plugin. It does not alter the front end menus.

    The only admin menus you can toggle with this plugin are in the Network->Settings menu accessible via the Network dashboard. And that is not what you are looking at there.

    Plugin Author David Sader


    Updated, no more notices, and tested with WP 4.6 beta.

    Plugin Author David Sader


    Better snoop a bit further:

    I offer two ideas:

    First, test your install with no plugins active.

    Look into your database directly at the signups table with phpMyadmin. WordPress creates that table if no plugins are interfering.

    You should see any recent activations/attempts. Test with a [email protected] email.

    If nothing is entering the database on an attempted signup, something is borking it up. You will need to troubleshoot your install so every activation lists in that signup table. Before adding any plugins.

    My strategy here is to verify that WordPress is indeed creating the signup key without any plugins in the way.

    Second, find the plugin that causes your problem.
    You say the phrase “awaiting activation” appears in the user list – my plugin does’t do that. But I wager a plugin is. Have a closer look at all your plugins that might be affecting or bypassing or automating user registrations. Re-enable plugins one at a time till you can reproduce the “awaiting activation” clue.

    Plugin Author David Sader


    That is odd.

    The User Activation Keys page is not doing anything fancy/shmancy, it simply reads what is present in the database. This plugin does not create the key, WordPress does that all by itself.

    So, if indeed no user key is displayed, the user key does not exist in the database ($wpdb->signups WHERE activation_key …). What stops WordPress from creating the activation keys for your users?

    Perhaps you have some other plugin setup to automagically bypass the email registration loop. Some plugins do that.

    Now, I tested my plugin again with the current version of WordPress – and no other plugins – and the user keys appear as expected for me. The email is generated and everything appears like a normal signup so far.

    You do get email with the activation link when creating new users?

    I can create users with false emails and still the user keys list – and my server returns an email error report for the undelivered mail. All as expected.

    Plugin Author David Sader



    Need you to report some other form of trouble shooting to reproduce what you’ve done there. The plugin has worked without any fuss in any install I have it in.

    I tested it on WP4.5 Network just a few weeks ago and all was well there.

    Plugin Author David Sader


    I agree. I think I have it working, but I’ll kick the tires bit before posting an update.

    Plugin Author David Sader


    The Menus plugin toggles all sorts of WordPress menu functions, including the Customizer.

    Manage menus, including the Customizer, at the Network->Settings page in the Menu Settings->Enable administration menus section. Add a check next to “Appearance Customize”.

    I included the ability to enable/disable the customizer in a recent update.

    Toggle Meta Boxes (v3.8.1.1) has not stopped working in my installs, nor does in generate error for me in concert with the Menus plugin. A more descriptive step by step report is needed for me to reproduce your problems with it.

    Plugin Author David Sader


    I cannot reproduce what you describe.

    The “auth_redirect” is a WordPress function, not a new function in the plugin. SO a refresh/reboot/relaunch of any browser would reset the login cookie. Looks like that is all. I wager any browser works just fine with a proper login/logout.

    I can’t image what could possibly make this plugin wretch in one browser and not another.

    Plugin Author David Sader


    I do not have W3tc caching enabled so I can’t test, but if cache is stale, then a stale blog_public option would/could be the culprit, but you could see/test that if switching up the backend settings elsewhere.

    Plugin Author David Sader


    Update of this plugin committed today.

    Plugin Author David Sader


    Specific pages? Not with this plugin.

    This plugin is all or nothing, the entire blog is behind a login request popup or not.

    Plugin Author David Sader


    Ha, I found an hour to update plugins this week.

    I had this licked ages ago, realized today I never committed changes to the repository.

    Plugin Author David Sader


    “Fairly similar” to your local install is not enough then. What exactly makes the plugin work on one instance but not the other? The plugin is identical in both instances, right?

    I offer a guess at one major difference in your two installations: This plugin will only do its “thang” on a Multisite Network enabled version of WordPress:

    If the plugin is not “Network Activated” then it will not do what you want.

    Network Activate the plugin through the ‘Network Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    Set multisite “Network Visibility” option at Network-Settings page

    The line 184 blogname php notice is not a deal breaker. Just means the subject field of the email heading to SuperAdmin is missing the blogname. Thanks for the debug there.

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