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  • Thread Starter Krzysiek Dró?d?


    You can easily fix this with one line of code in file class-s3-destination.php:266

    public function client($accessKey, $secretKey): S3Client
            $s3Options = [
                'signature' => $this->signature(),
                'credentials' => [
                    'key' => $accessKey,
                    'secret' => BackWPup_Encryption::decrypt($secretKey),
                'region' => $this->region(),
                'http' => [
                    'verify' => BackWPup::get_plugin_data('cacert'),
                'version' => $this->version(),
                'use_path_style_endpoint' => $this->onlyPathStyleBucket(),
                'use_aws_shared_config_files' => false,  // <-- THIS LINE WAS ADDED
            if ($this->endpoint()) {
                $s3Options['endpoint'] = $this->endpoint();
                if (!$this->region()) {
                    $s3Options['bucket_endpoint'] = true;
            $s3Options = apply_filters('backwpup_s3_client_options', $s3Options);
            return new S3Client($s3Options);

    Yes, we can use backwpup_s3_client_options filter for that, but it’s pretty annoying workaround and not a solution.


    So maybe it would be a good idea to do this a a quick fix and publish the new release in some near future, since the plugin doesn’t work currently…? ??

    Thread Starter Krzysiek Dró?d?


    It’s not a matter of capabilities and roles…

    1. You are unable to filter JS code to be sure that it’s secure.

    2. The first thing that any security person does is to disable any way of posting unfiltered JS code from Dashboard.

    3. If a person is unable to publish JS code in correct way (editing files), then, most probably, it’s a person that shouldn’t post that code at all.

    4. If you really need to post JS without editing files, do it in a more secure way – using Google Tag Manager.

    Really – there is no need for such plugin in 2021. It’s harmful, it teaches and promotes very bad practices and laziness…

    Thread Starter Krzysiek Dró?d?


    Thanks for answer ??

    What I’ve meant is that you store data ignoring best practices and you’re implementing your own, custom options (they have nothing to do with WP Settings API).

    And you’re breaking one of WordPress Plugin Repository guidelines, I guess…

    “Powered By” links
    All links on the forward facing aspect of a website must be “Opt In.” This means your plugin may not default to link back to your site, or any other, on the part of the website that visitors see.” (

    To be honest, I think your plugin would be really nice and I’d probably even bought one, if it wasn’t so cluttered and so insolent. I can’t imagine installing it on my customers’ sites…

    PS. It would be nice if there were some option to clear DB mess after plugin uninstall or if plugin would do this in a correct way.

    why would the title contain HTML entities? Could you please post an example?

    And why wouldn’t it? WordPress allows you to do it. HTML tags and HTML entities aren’t stripped from (nor encoded in) title, so you can use them in there. (the_title filter does not encode htmlentities placed in title).

    I don’t remember what was the exact problem in this case, but I’m pretty sure it had something to do with placing &nbsp; or & or UTF-8 strings or HTML tags in title. (yes, you can do this).

    Generally problem is that you html_entity_decode some string that is result of concatenation of other strings, and you assume that all those strings are html_entities encoded, but they’re not.

    There are more bugs in this part of code. For example on line 1567 html_entity_decode is called. And of course everything works fine unless… title contains some html entities…

    Well, sometimes changing memory limit is not possible.

    In my case I had to edit code of the plugin.

    On line 179 you can find:

    $attachments =& get_children( array(
    	'post_type' => 'attachment',
    	'post_mime_type' => 'image',
    	'numberposts' => -1,
    	'post_status' => null,
    	'post_parent' => null, // any parent
    	'output' => 'object',
    ) );

    Changing it to:

    $attachments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT id, post_title FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type='attachment' AND post_mime_type LIKE 'image%'");

    This query uses less memory, so there is pretty big chance it will work and won’t exceed memory limit.

    Could you show me on screenshot which element is a problem (and what spacing: vertical/horiztontal)?

    You don’t have any lists in there. The only list I can see on your page is menu/navigation.

    You also have there something that should be placed in a list, but is a bunch of paragraphs (Cleanliness, Courage, etc.)…

    What do you mean by “normal spacing”?

    This code won’t help you. It gives you all images uploaded to given post. (get_the_ID() returns the id of post).

    What you can do?

    Solution 1.
    Query posts, and then for each of them use this code. It’s not a very good solution (it generates many SQL queries).

    Solution 2.
    Write your own SQL query which will select all images at once. It should look something like this:

    SELECT attachment.ID, post.ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} attachment INNER JOIN {$wpdb->posts} post ON (attachment.post_parent = post.ID) WHERE attachment.post_type='attachment' AND post.post_status='publish' AND post.post_type='<YOUR CPT>'
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