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  • Thread Starter drinkingsouls


    Well I decided to revert back to lazyest gallery for now as displaying gallery folders as posts isn’t appropriate for my site. I can’t have galleries coming up in the recent posts widget, that just makes no sense to me. If I wanted galleries to be posts I would post the images in a post. Anyway, now I’ve run into a new problem. After installing eazyest gallery, removing it and then trying to instal lazyest gallery again, lazyest gallery is not working. It instals, I run through the setup but then when i try to go to the gallery page it just reverts to the homepage of my site. The widgets also don’t display any images.
    Whats gone wrong here?

    Thread Starter drinkingsouls


    I don’t get it, it the gallery supposed to be adopting my archives.php template? Why would it be doing that? They’re not posts, it’s a gallery. In my recent posts widget its showing the gallery folders as posts. They shouldn’t be there surely?

    Thread Starter drinkingsouls


    Hey, thanks for the reply.
    I tried copying archive-galleryfolder.php but it didnt work as a stand-alone file. I’m really confused about the way easyest gallery is setup. Its like it displays every folder as a post? Whereas lazyest gallery seemed to display them as pages? I have to go into all my folders to disable comments individually now, which is taking a while. I just dont understand how I’m going to be able to change the look of the gallery now. The folders are all displayed using the single.php template which I cant edit as it will mess with the way my posts are displayed. Is there no way to set it up as pages like lazyest gallery?

    Thread Starter drinkingsouls


    it says ‘The plugin includes templates for the WordPress default themes TwentyTen, TwentyEleven and TwentyTwelve. You may copy and adjust these templates to your (child) theme.’ but I am not using any of those themes. How can I adjust these and apply them to my theme? Thanks

    Thread Starter drinkingsouls


    Sure, just like on Wikipedia where it shows the Track listing for albums. Check this out:,_You_Brought_Me_Your_Love
    See how each track has a different background color?

    Hey was there any progress here? I also have this problem.

    Thread Starter drinkingsouls


    Thanks a ton Curtiss Grymala, that was it.
    Just to clear it up, yes I’m testing that it is not the home page and not a single post. The code that worked it:
    if ( !is_home() && !is_single() )

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Profiles?

    I’m currently using Mingle ( which allows user profiles with custom fields. It works pretty well. It also provides user boards, friends and profile images.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Change popup window size
    Thread Starter drinkingsouls


    Hey, thanks for the reply. Your solution is semi-functional. When the popup window opens it opens with the dimensions I specified, but as soon as the image has loaded the popup window is re-sized to fit around the image again. Any ideas on how to prevent this?

    The reason I have this problem in the first place is because I needed scroll bars on some of my images. Ideally, the script would check if popup was larger than the screen res and apply scroll bars if it was.

    An easier way I thought would be to just add scrollbars=yes to the popup function, which worked, but it inserted the scrollbars on the inside of the window so they took up space. Now I’m trying to add on the width of the scrollbar to try and prevent them from showing when they don’t need too. Does that make sense?.


    I’m pretty sure that 000webhost have fantastico installed, which can setup WordPress for you, it’s easy to use. In your control panel you should find a link called “Fantastico” or “Fantastico Installer” or something similar. If you click that it’ll take you to a page with various scripts, find WordPress and it’ll guide you through the installation.
    I think that’s the easiest way to do it.

    Thread Starter drinkingsouls


    I see, I was thinking it may be calling the plugin rather than the codex. I still don’t understand why the code above doesn’t work though. It displays the page navi correctly on index.php where it is wanted, but the else statement doesn’t seem to work. Whenever I go onto any other page nothing is displayed at all. I would expect the text to be displayed because the page navi function does not exist for that page, but it does not echo back the custom text. Nothing is displayed after index.php. I don’t understand why this happens.

    Thread Starter drinkingsouls


    Hey, thanks but I’ve already tried looking up if else on the net. This is the code I’m using.

    if (function_exists('wp_pagenavi')) {
    } else {
        echo "Custom Text If Navigation Does Not Exist";

    I see nothing wrong with the code and on the homepage the navigation is displayed, but on anywhere else the custom text is not displayed, nothing is. I think the problem maybe that it’s looking to see if the function exists in general, not on that page. So on a content page it finds that the function does exist but can’t display it because it doesn’t exist for that page. Does that make sense?. The function exists, but it is not used on any page other than the homepage.
    I think this maybe what’s happening, or the code is just completely wrong?, but if it was badly formatted then my site wouldn’t display, nevermind the navigation.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Topsites Plugin/Script?
    Thread Starter drinkingsouls


    Hey, I’m still looking for a topsites plugin or script that can be integrated into WordPress.
    Has anyone tried the MunkyTopList plugin?. They don’t have any screenshots or demos on their site.

    Thread Starter drinkingsouls


    Oh awesome thanks, that seemed to work with a little tweeking.
    All I did was change
    $name = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'name description', true);
    $name = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'description', true);
    Thank you very much. A question though, it seems to be ordered by ID, the older pages are at the bottom and the newst at the top. How can I change this so the olders are towards the top. Another thing I was thinking of was ordering the pages by a numeric value in another custom field. This would give them al fully customizable order, any idea if this is possible?

    Thread Starter drinkingsouls


    thanks for the reply, I should have mentioned that I did try that but I lack the knowledge to utilize it. Here is the stylesheet function:

    function lg_add_lazyest_gallery_style()
      global $plugin_url;
      echo "<!-- lazyest gallery " . LG_VERSION . " stylesheet  -->\n";
      echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='" . $plugin_url .
        "/lazyest-style.css' type='text/css' media='screen' />\n";
      echo "<!-- lazyest gallery style end -->\n";

    It’s currently calling the stylesheet lazyest-style.css in the plugin directory, this needs to be changed to the template directory. I have tried putting <?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?> where $plugin_url is but this doesn’t work. I lack the knowledge to know how to structure php.
    Can anyone tell me where to place the template tag?

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