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  • Thread Starter drfingerless


    Yes I see the problem. I had thought of using the STOP words to remove the less important words. But actually there would be tens of thousands of them, so that idea is flawed. Your ideas have been very helpful. I will bring them back to the client for further discussion. Thank you for you thoughtful and prompt advice. It’s much appreciated.

    Thread Starter drfingerless


    Thanks for the super-fast reply, Mikko!
    My client has asked me to create an index, something like a book index, of a very text heavy blog site. I was looking for a means to automate the process and I knew, from using the excellent Relevanssi plugin before, that it creates an index that might be used in this way, but I didn’t know if that index could be displayed as a clickable list i.e. if you were looking alphabetically for the word ‘chocolate’ you could find it and each reference to the word would be clickable to the location of that word in the blog. Is that realistic?

    Thread Starter drfingerless


    Further to my last post, it appears that even when viewed in the Media Library in my WordPress back-end the video is not playing correctly. So VLC standalone plays it fine but WordPress has difficulties with it and therefore FV Player also. Not sure if you can help with that one, but any ideas you might have for me to explore would be helpful.

    Thread Starter drfingerless


    Apologies, I wasn’t clear. I understand why the black bars are there due to the sizing issue. What I don’t understand is why the video now contains blank segments (all black) when the VLC-played video only has brief fades to and from black. It’s as if parts of the video ‘drop out’ when played in the FV Player. The soundtrack continues to play but no video is visible. I’ve tried this in other browsers with a similar issue.

    Thread Starter drfingerless


    You are so correct. Indeed that has fixed that issue without trouble.
    Thank you so much for your prompt reply.
    I do have one further issue and this is confounding. When I play my video directly in VLC player it plays as expected. But when I load it into my WordPress media library and embed it on a page through the FV Player it has large sections of the video that just play as a black screen. You can see this phenomena on this page: Do you have any ideas how this might happen? Is it a fault in my original video?

    Thread Starter drfingerless


    Greg, I seem to have had mixed results with these background images. I have two layered background images of triangular confetti on the above-mentioned site and it looks like I have got them to work on both retina and regular screens. But now there are some icons that are displayed as background images at the top of each blog post that you can see on the retina screen continue to be displayed at double size. I have set the widths of the containing element to the smaller size and set the same containing element’s background-size to be the same smaller size in the retina media query. I have uploaded the two image versions to the same directory with the larger having the same name as the smaller with the addition of @2x at the end of the name. Clearly I am still missing something. Any clues?

    Thread Starter drfingerless


    Greg, it doesn’t seem to have done the trick. You can see for yourself. The retina device is pulling the correct retina version of the background image (the triangle confetti image in the top-left corner of the site) but it is failing to resize according to the background-size declaration. I wonder if there is a problem with my media query declaration which is as follows (normal size is 550 x 734, retina is double this):

    only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
    only screen and (   min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
    only screen and (     -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),
    only screen and (        min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
    only screen and (                min-resolution: 192dpi),
    only screen and (                min-resolution: 2dppx) { 
      /* Retina-specific stuff here */
    #big-background-image {
    	background-size:550px 734px;
    Thread Starter drfingerless


    By the way your advice regarding inline images was spot on – we have those images behaving well.

    Thread Starter drfingerless


    Greg, the site that I am working on is located at You can see that there are a couple of background images for the site (the triangular confetti images top-left and bottom-right). These images are set as page backgrounds and are designed to show more or less depending on the volume of content within that div. Like most background images their great advantage is that you often don’t specify the size of the div that they background, particularly in a no-repeat situation – you just position the image (often top-left) and let the div expand to fit its variable content allowing as much or as little of the background image to be visible (a varying amount). In our case in most circumstances the background images will be nearly always completely visible, but the div could expand well beyond their borders. The point being that it is not usually known what size the div will exhibit, and it will vary depending on what content the author adds or removes from the site. In that case how should I proceed?

    Further, is the background-size attribute meant to tell the retina image to display at, for example, 200 x 200 or to display in retina dimensions as 400 x 400?

    Thread Starter drfingerless


    Thanks for this advice, Greggh3. I’ll give it a shot and let you know how I go. I’m just wondering how this might be applied to background images where the size is not able to be expressed explicitly in the html. What are your thoughts?

    Thread Starter drfingerless


    Michael & Managenet, hosting company said that they sync on a regular basis to a number of servers and that their server clock timing lines up perfectly.

    Thread Starter drfingerless


    Michael we are using WordPress 3.4.1 which I believe is the latest version. I have also previously tried deactivating and deleting the plugin and reinstalling and that didn’t seem to make any difference. I have also deactivated all my other plugins to see if there might be an incompatibility. All to no avail.

    Thread Starter drfingerless


    Michael, when you say ‘first go to the settings page’ do you mean the Smugmug settings page (in my Smugmug account) or the settings page for the slider plugin within my WordPress dashboard? If the latter then as I said before there are no options on this page. There is just a plugin heading (see this screenshot). Clicking on the red ‘click here’ link just takes me back to this page.
    So I can’t locate your ‘Delete SmugMug Authorization’ button.

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