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  • hi mitcho, tonight i’ll do a fresh reinstallation of the entire website, redownloading of all the plugins and so on… i fear i’ve been one of those caught by a weird malfunctioning of the Revisited-post-thumb plugin.
    Silly me, i thought the 3.0 beta was only for 2.7!!! well i’ll try it as soon as i’ve the website up and running again!
    thanks for the news!

    Thread Starter dreydesign


    thank you so much Michael!
    Just to be picky and profit of your kindness ?? is there a way to make the name of the category become a link to the category page again, like in the get_category function?

    Hi Mitcho, after our short conversation via mail just wanted to tell you I had to downgrade back to 2.6.5 from 2.7. Too much trouble and incompatibilities still. I hope there will be soon a release of a 2.7.2 soon, and an upgrade of all the other plugins i need to make the magazine work! Until then, back to the good old 2.6.5 ??

    Thread Starter dreydesign


    uhm i’m not sure i understand what you mean. I’m not expert in php, i was thinking about something that uses the get_category(). Something like:
    – get the categories of the post
    – loop of categories to display, and if one of the categories is “Feature” do not display it (something like the code “if post has the id=35, then ‘continue'” to skip the visualization
    – all this, ensuring that if a post, apart the “Feature” category, has as well 2 or more other categories, it will show a comma in between… but not after the last one! (problem i have now)
    Is anybody able to help this php-newbie with the effective code? ??

    bump bump ?? same curiosity here! sometimes i need to have the thumb with no link, some other times i want to give a custom link for specific images…

    ah i hadn’t answered your question, the home page is not static, but contains a few loops. And i do not use any cache plugin yet.

    i think there might be a clash between some plugins.. or i don’t know. now you plugin is working, but i have the same problem instead with the plugin Mailpress, which i ahd to deactivate. so weird. now i tried to do the opposite (deactivating YARPP and reactivating mailpress, but boom, home page empty). just so weird that it does it either with your or with that plugin. who knows, maybe it’s a third plugin causing the issue (before upgrading to 2.7, with a completely fresh installation, i could use both your plugins at the same time).
    Can I ask you for a big favour to track down this problem? how do i activate those php settings for having ON the error notification? (my knowledge of php is limited to a wordpress level, i’m self taught and on a beginner/intermediate level)

    I do not think it’s only a mailpress issue, since that when the problem started that plugin was unactive and the issue was with YARPP.
    Let’s try to solve this ?? i can’t wait to use your beta version with all its potential!!!!

    a second update, hoping that somebody can find the problem for YARPP 3.0:
    i tried as well to use the code

    if (function_exists('related_posts')) {

    within the is_single() function, but still the only thing i get then in the home page is the following code in firebug:


    ok maybe i was a bit confusing in my previous post: let’s resume it like this: when the plugin it’s activated it works just fine in the single posts, but there is some sort of conflict in the home page (where, by the way, it shouldn’t affect in any way, seen the php code refers only to single posts) so that the home page results completely blank. I tried as well to take away completely the php code for calling the YARPP function from the sidebar, but still the same issue: single posts show jsut fine, simply without their related posts; home page, nothing, nada, rien, niente, ingenting. ?? The pure emptyness.
    Do you know of any existing plugin that clashes with YARPP? The only ay to have the home page reappearing, is by deactivating YARPP 3.0

    Hi Mitcho,
    i installed the YARPP 3.0 beta 1 and it gave me some issues: at first it wasn’t working but I then updated the cache, and it was working properly in the single posts… but my home page became blank :S
    I have the follwing code in my sidebar, exactly the same i had with the previous version of YARPP:

    <?php if ( is_single() ) {

    which was working fine. and now? :s so weird as well because as you can see the php code should make it work only in the single posts, but somehow it stucks the home page.
    Uh UPDATE! : I removed the code alltogether and still the home page was blank, i had to deactivate the plugin…

    fantastic! thanks a lot, i’ll try it soon and let you know!

    Same problem here, all of a sudden! i run 2.6.3…

    Sounds good ?? Can’t wait for it! ??

    Hi Mitcho,

    I am trying to accomplish the same thing as the others… I would like the ‘div’ with the related posts function to display a thumbnail that is created with the Post Thumb plugin, plus the text in a custom field.
    Any plan to implement it in a 3.0 version any time VERY soon? ??
    Just asking because my knowledge of php is limited in the creation of websites, and i wouldn’t know where to start with “related_* functions”, or to “pass an options array to the yarpp_sql function” ?? that sounds like… an alien language to my ears ??
    Thanks in advance!

    Thread Starter dreydesign


    thanks’ for the quick answer! yeah it was a long shot ??
    AN ALTERNATIVE: i display in the widget 5 pics from a specific gallery. would it be possible to hack something so that, when clicking on one of the pics, it opens that specific gallery with the lightview effect (with the chance of going through the entire gallery, not just those 5 random pics in the widget)
    (uhm i don’t know if i were clear enough :P)

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